this entry is unfriends only.
ive changed my livejournal name, for the first time in years, i want to start a new.
i dont like having everything friends only because there are friends i have, including mark that dont log in nor have a livejournal account and if they want to read i dont feel they should have to go through all the trouble.
my new livejournal name is
ashxhate_you if youd like to add me, i would love it.
im going to keep this journal up and not delete it because there are some amazing times posted and pictures, and just things i dont ever want to forget, im sure there are plenty of things id love to forget haha but its not worth it to loose all the good times. but i will not be writing in it any longer.
<3 so please feel free to drop me a line, add me, tell me to fuck myself, whatever you want! <33