[ this worlds an ugly place, but youre so beautiful to me]

Apr 12, 2005 09:59

i deleted everyone off of my friends list because i dont like alot of you to tell you the truth, and i went back and made all of my journal entries friends only. im sick of how childish people are and feel the need to exploit what i say and turn things into bigger problems when it started off simple. i had this as a public forum because there are people that do not have live journals that read this and keep up with my life because they simply care about what im up to, but thats over i guess, some people just have a way of fucking things up :) not including me. so anyways. on to what this is about.

i only deleted you all to see who would actually still want to be on my friends list, i know there were lots of people there that had no reason to be there, i dont care about who comments the most, or who has the most interesting journal entries, i dont care if you cant type, i dont get annoyed by thousands of posts a day, thats not why i deleted any of you, it was simply a clean out.

now if any of you want to be re-added, just leave a comment, there are some people ill maybe think about adding, but others ill add right away, i wouldve kept some of you on there, but didnt want to make others feel like they were less important because that is unfair. im aware that im going to get bitched at alot for this, but i guess i dont really care :)

have fun kiddies, and let me know whatcha wanna do <3

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