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I did this once before (I think), but I am doing it again anyway. Here is my buddy Sam's sitcom, Joe Blows Kids.
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Here goes the 20/20 special report on Joe Blows Kids. Gual is amazing in this.
Ok, now lets fill you all in on Robert Alan Lange's life!
My boss got fired today. That is good news. He was an idiot, but he did make me laugh. He just made bad decisions as of late.
Robot Mosh in a week. I can't wait to see Arsis, Decapitated, Necrophagist, An End To Flesh, Beneath the Massacre, Black Dahlia Murder, The Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza, A Life Once Lost, and Veil of Maya.
I wish Mickey was going :(
I am going to the tattoo parlour Friday night to finally get some shit done. I've put it off for so long. Mostly because I think it makes your body look sinner...
Land of Lincoln is completely done being written including two great new characters that are minor roles. They are both equally amazing and I wish I could play them.
Casting seems to be going well. I am sure we're still going to have to do most of the work. Oh well, it's all good.
A good chunk of the shooting will be going down July 8th - July 16th both in Shorewood and at my apartment in Ravenswood. It should work out pretty cool. William's birthday is the 7th so we are all going to party it up for the big guy and I am going to fu- er give him a big gift!
That night will rule. Chances are we will be in Shorewood that night since we want to knock out the Shorewood stuff first. Filming the Tasch family dinner scenes are going to be the most fun ever.
Sending Crazy Eyes out to Troma in a few days after some back and forth talking with Mr. Lloyd Kaufman. We'll wait and see how that goes.
Along with shooting LOL (hey, that's new...i will not call it land of lincoln anymore LMAO!) we've got some cool ideas for extending An Evening With The Living Dead as a full length. Right now it's not long enough. I love the story the way it is now, and I think the changes will be good.
In fall '07 expect Furious Wiener 5 minute shorts to make their debut on the internets. I have one episode done. It's been done for a while now. We are just trying to do so much already that we don't want to spread ourselves too thin.
Right now I am going to go sit in the living room and make the final changes to Crazy Eyes.