This is currently my favorite picture on Earth. I want to marry you.
The last few days have been alright. I drank some beers and saw some friends...not so bad.
My nephew graduated 8th grade yesterday. 8th grade. I can't believe how they have grown up. It's cool, though. I dig. He's not that shitty of a kid. He likes metal and skateboards, so that's fine by me.
After I leave work in a couple of hours I won't be doing shit for the rest of the day or all day tomorrow. If anyone wants to see me, you know where I will be.
If I don't go out I might just hang out around the house writing music or something.
I think I might go see Eagle Vs Shark Friday.
Ring of Honor in 11 days!
I had the most fun at work this morning messing with this guy named Josh on my team. Turns out this dude grew up in Brazil because his parents were living there before returnign to America. I felt like messing with him and creating a running theme that I can add on to throughout the day as a fun way to pass time. I began filling him in on everything he missed in America in the early 90's while he was in that dump Brazil.
First of I had to fill him in on the entire LA riot Fiasco. I told him about what happened to the black guy by the white cops, then how those sweet ass black dudes bricked that hillbilly in the face and danced. Then everyone stole tvs and set big fires.
Also! I had to fill him in on the OJ Simpson trial, as well as the infamous white bronco chase that took place while the 1994 NBA FINALS were taking place.
Other awesome things he missed:
The Bulls 3-Peat
Jordan sneaker craze
Mario Go-Kart
Sega Channel
Hulkamania runnin' wild
Bubble Bobble
Charles Barkley Shut Up and Jam
The first 2 Batman movies
The first 2 House Party Movies
Hi-C Ecto Cooler Punch Drink feauturing Slimer on the front
Marc Sommer's Double Dare
Goosebumps TV show
Power Rangers
Moon Shoes
Nerf guns
Super soakers
Domino Rally
Mouse Trap board game
Virtualboy gameboy console
Dr. Dre's the chronic record
Snoop Dogg's doggystyle
Doug the cartoon
Ninja Turtles
Full House
Noid commericals for dominos pizza
Eagle Man insurance tv commercials
Mc Hammer
Vanilla Ice
Encino Man
there are like a million more things, too...
the early 90s were way better than now