Dec 13, 2005 21:50
Make your own year in review. Go back and enter the first line of the first entry for each month of the last year...repost.
January: Um, well, I guess there's a lot to update
February: I really wish I didn't care so much. Is there a pill for that?
March: I'm here in Michigan.. it's so beautiful.
April: I ate a baked potato tonight, in your honor.
May: Lonliness makes you think things you really shouldn't.
June: I really, now more than ever, don't know what I want.
August: Love life: 0 Friend life: !!!!!
September: Last entry before leaving for atlanta i'm really scared i don't know what it'll be like to see my sister after 11 years and to see my nephew for the first time ever
October: Monday sucked Sunday suked Life sucks. I'm tired of everything changing.
November: I have become so incredibly impatient I don't see it changing anytime soon.
December: I hate it when random people IM me because I have an AOL profile. I ended up talking to Nate online last night for a good two hours while he was drunk last night.