Today at church…
I got my Deathnote! It's like, A5.
ILU, Mark and Titus! Best people ever!
Ahem, I'm the best.
01. Ignore the blue light there, that’s my flash.
02. It’s got the rules!
03. After a couple of pages, you see Lind L. Tailor’s name.
04. The last name written was Light Yagami’s. Jeremy said so, but I wasn't sure since I haven't seen the movie in ages. So I searched up, and it really is his name! Light Yagami (夜神月, Yagami Raito) Oh, and after that page, there's more blank pages.
I'm planning next week's Sunday school, so wish me luck.
And in about seven hours, the first episode of Tokujo Kabachii!! starts. I'll watch it through KeyHoleTV, though I'll have no idea what's going on.
Did you hear about that calling thing? They'll ask a question while you're watching the drama, you call a number and answer the question, and Sakurai Sho himself will call back one of the callers who got it right!
Can you imagine Sho calling you?! I'll fricking die on the spot right there and then.
Whoever it is, they're one lucky girl. Or guy.