Apr 22, 2005 23:13
I saw a boy on campus today who had the most beautiful eyes and a *mini mohawk. Our eyes met for a moment and we had eye sex. It was wonderful. Too bad I was wearing scrubs and my wsc hoodie, but even so I swear I saw him look back at me, as I myself did a double take after we had passed one another. Le Sigh.
*(which may not sound appealing to most, but I liked it. It reminded me of the Kurt Halsey drawing that I used to have as my background on this journal that for some reason as disappeared even though I have not changed the format. Help? Well anyways if you know what I mean it's the "finely chopped" drawing.)
As for other silly on campus crushes, there is a boy who I absolutely adore (named Eric who was in Kristin & Mish's class last semester) and who doesn't even know I exist. (Actually I lied, Mish once showed him a picture of me dressed up as a flamingo from halloween. Oh dear.)
Yesterday I had the perfect opportunity to talk to him (as he was sitting at Coyote Jack's by his lonesome), but even with encouragement from Ed and Alana (and their entire table consisting of people I didn't know) I couldn't get the guts to go over and introduce myself. I can just see myself now standing over him with a flushed face stuttering about who knows what. Bleck.
Anywho... enough of that girlish talk. I obviously survived from getting my wisdom teeth out, although it wasn't all ice cream and pudding fun. But besides almost having a heart attack when the anesthetist pulled out a nasal cannula for the laughing gas that I didn't know I was getting, (I actually watched my heart rate go up as she turned on the gas), getting two dry sockets a week later, and throwing up on my dentist when she tried to put packets in the dry sockets- (I warned her very calmly that I was going to be sick) it went okay. I didn't even swell up like a chipmunk. But I am finally feeling better- no more pain and I'm slowly getting back to eating normal food.
My spring break mainly consisted of me sleeping, watching re-runs of degrassi, along with the Incredibles & Stage Beauty with my parents, eating tons of ice cream (Eddy's double fudge and pb cup sundae), sneak meetings with Donk, working at south shore hospital, and going to sam diego's/watching eternal sunshine with Justin, Casey, & Melissa.
On a random note A few weekends ago I went home to retrieve my Gus-Gus (which despite the high gas prices is amazing to have back) and I also got the chance to go out to dinner with Tim and see Oklahoma with T & Roger. Congrats to anyone affiliated with the play, you all did an amazing job! Watching the play made me really sad in a way though. It was great, and strange, to see everyone and how much they've grown. I can't believe that Barry & Shaun are seniors and going off to college soon, and that EEB & Maggie are getting ready for their prom! It's mind boggling. Also, just with the play in general it brought back a lot of memories from MFL and made me realize how much everyone/everything has changed since then. It was what.. 3, 4 years ago? My word! I'm getting old.
As for school everything is going well, but I just want this semester to end- it's been torturous. Yet with the ending of the semester comes room selection, my least favorite thing. (I feel your stress Maggie!) Just thinking about it makes me nauseous because I feel as if I'm a contestant on Survivor. Alliances are made between people, secrets are kept until the last second, some pretend they want to live somewhere in order to not offend someone else and at the last instant they say they've changed their mind. Already I know that Krista will not be living with us next year as she's decided to live in Chandler with the track girls. I'll miss her cheerfulness, crazy cooking abilities, amazingly hilarious metaphors and salad fingers quotes, but it's not like I won't still see her. Then there is the whole debate on where it is better to live, Chandler or to stay in the new dorm?? I don't really care, just as long as alliances aren't made and I don't get left out in the cold. Merp.
Also still up in the air is where Kristin and I are going to live this summer since LCA is out of the question. We have a few options, one of which my parents suggested that I stay at home and commute on the days I have classes.. or where I could also sleep over my brother's apartment in Watertown which is an hour away from here. Bleck, stress central. Things will soon get resolved though I'm sure.
On a happy note I'm going to see Reggie and the Full Effect and NFG with Alex & Erica on friday, it shall be a good time- it's been far too long since I've been to a show. Perhaps I'll see some Plymouthians?
Oh wow it's quite the blizzard out there and tonight and I'm roommate-less. I wish I had someone to cuddle with. Perhaps another night. Beautiful-eyed Mohawk boy? Eric? Pppahhaha! Yeah right. Oh I'm a silly girl.