Aug 17, 2009 15:34
Well I'm making it official. I'm putting in my notice at Harris tonight. They can't complain, it's gonna be a 4 week notice so maybe they can find someone half-way decent to take my place. I got the job in JB and I start orientation September 21st. I went last week and bought a new pair of navy blue scrubs and ordered a pair of ceil and royal blue also. I'm gonna have to get used to wearing blue again.. since that's all you can wear at St. B's. At least I have over a weeks worth of vacation time I get to burn before I start the new job.
I'm up way to early today. I should have slept another hour and a half but couldn't. I'm gonna be exhausted by morning. I wanted to go to Shanley's open house tonight for kindergarten but someone called in b/c they had a family member die. Can't be mad about that, seems like last year I had family tragedy after tragedy, I can empathize with them.
Took the girls to Magic Springs this past Saturday. Oh my gosh, they had so much fun this time, a lot more fun than the 1st time we took them this summer. No lines this time, it was in and to the rides. Addy got upset that Shan was big enough to ride some rides that she wasn't. She's not gonna have any fear I think. She'll be going full throttle as soon as she's old enough. I'm proud of these 2 kids. They're tough.
My car wouldn't start this morning. It just rolled over 60k miles. Nikki's did the same thing a few miles back and it was her battery. You would think it would give me some kind of warning before it just quits but no. Gonna have dad come over and give me a boost and drive it around a bit. Then see if it'll start again. If not I guess I'll take it to the shop in the morning to get it diagnosed. Irritating...