Aug 22, 2008 08:29
Ahh, it's nice to say that and not mean me! Yup the Shanitator went back to school this week. She's in pre-k. Last year was her first year and at 3 years old they call it ABC school. She's done so good this week. Last year Mrs. Jackie took her to school everyday but so far she hasn't seemed upset that we have been taking her.
Nikki had a hard time on Monday going up to the school and not seeing her mom their. But she persevered. I mean we're adults, what choice do we have but to go on?
Addyson is doing very good at daycare this week. Was worried about that to b/c I thought she was getting used to her sister going with her. But she has been a little trooper and going to her "MM" without any fussiness.
Oh and I definitely suggest anyone who hasn't been to Oh my gosh it is the funniest LoZ spoof ever! I have been way to entertained by it.
Playing Tales of Symphonia right now. Great game. I'm loving it. I'm kind of disappointed b/c I heard some stuff that was added to the PS2 version but I have it for the GC. Oh well. Maybe it wasn't enough to make the game not worth playing. It is actually quite fun.