me? A resume? Are you kidding?? i have never done a resume in my life and wouldn't know where to start. i have had exactly three jobs, never finished high school {and don't plan to} but am in college, and have had my self-confidence in new jobs eroded thanks to Melinda. Eeek.
i found a job in Calvert County that won't require me to drive 45 minutes to an hour to get to work. "Librarian, Circulation Assistant. Prince Frederick Library. Duties include circulation and helping customers." Okay, sounds fairly simple. i can do that. Half the crap a CA does i do now anyway. "$13.57 per hour with benefits." Sweet. "Preferred: Some college." Hey, this ad was written for me! Continuing to read, i see this: "Required: HS diploma or equiv., customer service skills and exp., computer skills." Skills and experience, no problem. High school diploma or equivalent? Well.... i knew i should have taken the GED in September. But no. i had to put it off because i wasn't thinking about the future and needing this damned diploma. Continuing: "Apply in person with resume at the P.F. Library. Deadline 6 p.m. on 12/8." Today is the 2nd. i have six days to talk to my current boss, go to P.F. and apply, figure out how to do a resume, and figure out how to explain my erratic educational history.
God i am stupid sometimes. Note to self: Take next available GED test, pass and be done with stupid high school.
Wow. 12/8 is a Thursday. Dammit. Sunday or Wednesday it is then. Unless they're not open Sundays. In which case it would have to be Wednesday. i have work/class on Monday, class on Tuesday and Thursday, and work on Wednesday.
Okay, i can figure this all out and i DO have a shot at this job. i have nearly a year's experience with customer service skills. More than that, actually, because of the office work at FPBC. my customer service skills are very good. So are my computer skills. It's just the diploma/equivalent and the deadline that are in my way. i can get someone to help me with the resume. It doesn't look hard.
i am so going to start watching Olivia and Millie behind the circ desk now. i'll ask Olivia about it all on Monday. Olivia likes me, she'll help me.
Today i have to take the car to emissions testing. Then come home, shower, punk my rebellious teenage self out, see the Master, pick up Natalie, and off we go to Hoffman to see Aeonflux. Woohoo. Must remember to stop at the bank and get twenty bucks. MUST remember.
It's scary that i actually do better when everything is fast-paced and rushed. i think i like the structured-ness and the speed. It doesn't let me slow down and be lazy. There's always something else to do. Although in large doses {i.e., more than six days in a row} it does wear me down.
Okay, i need to go study for my math test that i am going to pass with flying colors. i have angsted and worried enough for this morning. i refuse to delve into the issue that has been plagueing me since Tuesday. At least for now....