Apr 12, 2007 04:13
*Before I get to writing this blog, I just want to send a prayer up to Dynamite D who passed away yesterday. D was a pretty big inspiration to me, and his match with Kaos from XPW's Damage Inc (say what you want about the company, but watch this match and tell me XPW wasn't good) inspired me to really give this wrestling thing a serious go. For a long time I would psyche myself up by watching that match the day before a show, just to get my mind right. D will be missed by alot of people, sadly it's something that I've grown used to when it comes to heroes of the wrestling ring.*
Random Thought of the Day:
If your wife divorces you and your girlfriend kicks you out at gunpoint, then you're qualified to give teenagers advice about women...
So Grindhouse was friggen awesome. I couldn't believe how good it was, half the time I was thinking to myself "man, how are they gonna top that last scene?" Planet Terror was awesome, and worth the price of admission alone. Great zombie flick and come on... it had Rose McGowan with a machine gun leg! Deathproof was good but compared to Planet Terror it was a little bit slow... but when it picked up... it really picked up! I'm definitely getting it when it comes out on dvd, and I'm actually going to see it again tomorrow, something that I've NEVER done to a movie while it was still showing in the theaters.
On the wrestling front, things are going really great. Anarchy TV is online now so anyone can watch it anytime, so I'm pretty stoked about that. There's lots of big talks and plans concerning KWO in the coming months. It's all pretty hush hush right now, but it's going to be pretty f'n big, trust me!
KWO Nemesis is this Sunday. Lots of hype for me and Keith Crimson. I hope we can deliver huge. Keith's really easy to work, so we should have no problems delivering a good match for the people.
April 20th is NGW. I was wrestling Alex Crow but I guess that's out for the moment. It's still up in the air with who I'm wrestling. I wish NGW had an actual website with stuff like results and video clips. I'd offer to do it but I'm swamped enough as it is, so I guess their myspace will have to do. Anyway, I'm really excited about NGW, I just hope mother nature stops having PMS by the time it rolls around.
The connection between playing live rock and roll, scoring a touchdown in a football game, or the penalty shot during overtime of a hockey game, that one second of joy when everybody screams at the same time... multiply that by one thousand and thats what I feel coming out to the ring. The emotion that I get from the people, Doesn't matter if I'm a face or heel, it just sends a rush all throughout your body. There's nothing like it, and I'm glad that I get to experience it now more than ever.
I'm breaking all sorts of kayfabe here, but I really do enjoy seeing the fans and friends at the shows... and even if I'm yelling at you all on the mic, just know that I love each and every one of you. Legit.
That's all for now, unless something big happens I won't be posting until after Nemesis.
Don't forget to watch KWO Anarchy TV, now on the internet in addition to MAC3 TV. Check it out @ www.kwowrestling.tk
It's 4 AM and insomnia rages. Say goodbye to your teeth.
"Ruby's fading out, she disappears, it's time... time to say goodbye."
Your Friend,
John Campbell