Mar 07, 2007 02:04
Tonight was insane. I can say that with a sigh of relief because nobody was hurt. My mind's running about a million miles an hour right now, but I'll try and paint the picture for you as best as I can. Also, before I start... my hand's cut pretty good, if my spelling is worse than usual, I blame that.
So after a fun night of watching movies and hanging out, it was time to take everyone home. First we drop off Chelsea, then after he hooked me up with some t shirt transfer images (thanks buddy) we drop Tim off as well. On the way back from Tim's house, Joe was driving and everything was going fine. We were headed to the gas station out in Dodge City to take some cans back for gas money. Then all of a sudden, we're sliding really fast.
Now the whole ordeal only lasted a few seconds, but I can recall every thought as if it was in slow motion. When we first started sliding I thought "no big deal, Joe will fix it." but then before I could fathom what was happening... we were upside down! We flipped a good four times before we stopped upside down in some field. Before anything else I yelled out for Joe, asking him if he was ok. I was a little bit releaved when he said yeah. I unhooked myself from my seatbelt and tried getting my door open... it wasn't happening, there was a ton of snow blocking it. You know how they say you shouldn't panic in a crazy situation... well we did! I've seen a ton of movies where after a veichle is in that kind of an accident... it explodes, so we were trying to get out by any means necessary.
Joe somehow got his door open, and when the dome-light came on I had no idea what was going on. I started yelling "WHY'S THE LIGHT ON!? WHY'S THE LIGHT ON!!??" Joe said he got the door open and I crawled my way toward the driver's side. We both got out and walked to the middle of the road... and just looked at my van sitting there upside down.
This is when I kinda lost it. First I started laughing and I gave Joe a big hug because we were both ok, and I was really happy about that. I started laughing hysterically and thanking God for letting us live. Then, it kinda sank in what happened... so I started cursing at the top of my lungs. After that I started singing Black Flag's "TV Party" to calm myself down a little bit while Joe made phone calls on his cell. After he got off the phone he said "John, the back of your head is bleeding... and it was. I look down at my left hand and that was covered in blood as well. Tim came and picked us up, and we went back to his house. While we were there I made a call to the police (ugh, I hate cops) and they sent someone to take us to the scene, and called me a tow truck.
They asked us all of the usual questions like "were we drinking" and things like that, then took us to the scene where we waited for the tow truck. Now, seeing a tow truck un-flip a veichle is kind of a specticle, but when they unflipped my van and I saw all of the damage... my heart sank all the way to the floor of the backseat of the cop car.
I loved that van. We all had so many good times in it. The wrestling road trips, the countless other road trips... to concerts and things of the like, to just driving around on a saturday night because there's nothing else to do. When I saw all of the damage, my heart was broken because I knew that I couldn't have any more memories in it.
They took the van to the junk yard, and I'm going tomorrow to get all of my shit out of it. While I'm there I'll get some pictures and post them up here.
This couldn't have come at the worst possible time, because I have a ton of wrestling events coming up down-state. Don't count me out yet, I'll find a way to get there, or die trying.
I'm just glad that Joe (or anyone else for that matter) wasn't hurt. If anything, this has given me a new appreciation of how precious life is, and how short it is as well. To live life everyday as much as I can. We all go way too quick.
Something else really got to me on the way home. You know it's bad when after seening the damage, the cop taking you home says...
"I'm suprised you two aren't dead." I'm suprised as well...
- Campbell