Jan 09, 2005 17:56
Heya! I'm thinking of changing my LJ name to like x_JeSs_Zx something along those lines!
Today was an okay day I guess...
went to church.. there was this really cool preacher Dr.Ron Archer. I learned a lot and he talked about POWER!!! ha I loved the way he projected his voice!
went to see where my dad was working today and then me and my mom went to Checkers.
after Checkers we went to Food Lion and got groceries.
thats it!
shanna the pics aren't saved on the computer I think my mom erased them when she tried to fix it. I need the disk...
I have homework ::sigh:: I have to make up a language arts assignment and i have math but i dont have my math book with me so w/e..
well thats all for now luv ya *JeSs_Z*