Jul 15, 2004 13:11
Sooo i finally talked to jer the next morning, and we talked it all out and he wasnt even mad!! and im glad cuz i was worried!
soo Jerrry is still friggin awsm, i luv hanging out with em. like every second feels like forever when im not with him, but when i am, forever feels like a second:)
so i hung out with Scott last night for the first time in over a year!!! it was KOoLISH!! i gave em 3 nice long hugs, it was nice.
i miss Jerry tons n tons tho...we gotta hang out today Jer!!! like... i wanna give him longish hugs too! we gotta see another movie or somethin! like, o man, we held hands, and he held me, and i just cant forget how great it felt cuz like i felt like i was special to him as i was laying in his arms. gosh Jer yur amazin! hehe
So jerry told me i was SeXiFuLl yesterday! and i said he was sexifullER, but he didnt agree with me..but o well we all kno hes more sexifull hehe. i opened up to jer a lot last night, i told him about past stuff, present stuff. it was awsm becuz he listened to me like i wasnt pyscho. and he was there for me, it meant a lot to me. he sounded so sad when i told him some stuff, and it touched me so much to kno he cared that much. and it touched me even more becuz i care about him just as much.
im like so glad i met jer
can u tell?
so i hope he still thinks im hecka kool
not sure...
i should ask
but that would b STEWpid
well im talkin to Jer now!
so ill write later
and eat mine too
stay frostyyy
(specially u- Marty, Scott!)