Nov 09, 2008 18:36
I'm baking two boxes of brownies in one pan and I am a little scared that the edges will burn before the middle is cooked, ah the trials and tribulations of a baker. At least these are just for kicks and nobody is paying for them, so if they come out terribly I won't get stressed out to the brink of tears like I did on halloween with those god damn sugar cookies for Boy Sean.
I decided last night to use the packet of straightening shampoo that I got a few weeks ago at Sally, and it worked pretty well. When I got out of the shower my hair was all curly but as soon as I brushed it, it went pretty straight. I then decided that it would be a good idea, after blowing out and straightening my hair, to fucking trim my bangs. And they would have come out great if they were oh, TWO INCHES LONGER! I mean they aren't terrible but I haven't had short bangs since I was in elementary school, so its been a little weird to see them in the mirrors when I walk by.
We stopped at the Paladium to see Ginger for her birthday last night, which was pretty rad for the 15 minutes we were there. Saw the usual crew, saw Heather who I see randomly once every 3 months now that I am up here (and who I should see more!), saw Danielle and Kevin J and then unfortunately we left. I would have loved to bowled a few frames and quote the Big Lebowski the whole time but sometimes you just can't do the things you want to. Today all I really did was go grocery shopping and cleaned the house, now I am playing zoo tycoon and listening to the Ronettes/Chordettes and of course the Supremes, as today has turned into a Girl Group day which is a-okay with me. In a little bit I am going up to Cocos to watch the Giants game, and then tomorrow its back to the god damn grind.
Things are good though, I still love Ryan and he still loves me, baking all the time, sewing and preparing for christmas, and generally just being as rad as I can be. I'm not ready for or happy about the cold weather, but what can you do.
Thanksgiving is coming, I don't know what I am doing yet but I've got options this year, either go down to Pine Island to eat with the Nolans, go to Brewster to cook for my parents, or to Pleasent Valley to eat with the Kenneys. I just want leftovers, even though I can make all the food myself at home, for some reason just getting leftovers without having to cook is more desirable than slaving in the kitchen for 7 hours just to get a few tupperwares full of your own leftys.
Anyway, I'll post more eventually, plus pictures from halloween, of me and Amandas precious baby, and maybe even a few of these damned bangs.
I love and miss all of you jerks, come to Albany soon because I am poor and can't come see you.
I'll make it worth your while.