Fan Fiction - Anything Is Possible - Emma, Henry, & Regina (Once Upon a Time) - 1/1

May 01, 2015 20:15

Title: Anything Is Possible
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Characters: Emma Swan, Henry Mills, Regina Mills
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Word count: 100
A/N: Takes place sometime after season three. No spoilers. Written for the prompt 'Myths' for challenge 17 at writerverse Also on AO3. Full table here.
Summary: Perseus and Andromeda come to Storybrooke.

“Let me get this straight” said Emma slowly. “You’re telling me that Perseus and Andromeda have come to Storybrooke?”

“Yes!” said Henry. “Why does everyone find that so hard to believe?”

“Maybe because they’re only myths” said Regina.

“Most people think you’re a fairytale. And you’re real” said Henry.

Emma groaned. “He’s right. Anything is possible in Storybrooke.”

“Well, I guess as Mayor and Sheriff it’s our job to go welcome them to town and let them know what the rules are around here” said Regina.

“I guess so” said Emma. “Refresh my memory kid; what’s Perseus famous for again?”

tv show: once upon a time, fan fiction, community: writerverse, character: regina mills, character: emma swan, challenges, character: henry mills

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