Fan Fiction - It Gets Easier - Edward/Bella (Twilight) - 1/1

May 01, 2015 19:53

Title: It Gets Easier
Fandom: Twilight
Characters: Bella Cullen, Edward Cullen
Pairing: Edward/Bella
Rating: G
Word count: 150
A/N: Takes place a few years after "Breaking Dawn" with spoilers for the whole series. Written for the prompt 'Secret Life' for challenge 17 at writerverse Also on AO3. Full table here.
Summary: Bella is nervous on Renesmee's first day of school.

Bella took a shaky breath. She was surprised at how nervous she was feeling.

“Relax” said Edward, rubbing her shoulders. “Everything will be fine.”

“I know. You’re right” said Bella. She laughed. “I can’t believe how anxious I am over the first day of school. It seems so silly.”

“It’s human” said Edward. “Hang on to that humanity; I like it.”

“I’m just worried about how Renesmee will do on her first day. She’s never been to school before, and she has this whole secret life…”

“She’ll be great” assured Edward. “We’ll all be there in case anything goes wrong.”

Bella nodded her head. “Of course” she said, before smiling.

“So, are you ready for your first day of high school?” Edward asked with a grin.

“The first of many as a vampire, I expect” said Bella.

“Trust me, it gets easier the more you do it” Edward assured her.

fan fiction, community: writerverse, relationship: edward/bella, book: twilight, challenges, character: bella swan, character: edward cullen

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