Story: And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.

Oct 01, 2008 23:37

Title: And now these three remain: faith, hope and love (Corinthians 13:13). Part I

Author: xiotonks
Fandom: Criminal Mind
Pairing: Emily/JJ, Emily/OFC
Disclaimer: I don't own them. If I did I'd sell Will and JJ and buy Jenny Shepard from NCIS
Ratings: PG-13 if you are really, really fussy
Warnings: Will maybe - and JJ friends won't probably be too happy with me
Summary: And suddenly she's nobody left to talk to...

AN: HUGE thanks to kassandra_luem for doing her beta thing and putting up with my sometimes rather stupid mistakes.
AN2: I started this while I was in Taizé this summer.It probably shows.


Emily has always found fascinating what people can say with only one look. Take a smile, for example. There’s the hey-I-like-you-smile, the that-was-a-funny-joke-smile, the smile that only says, “I’m happy” - which is quite a lot actually. And of course there’s the smile that Emily hasn’t seen for far too long. It’s the one, genuine smile that belongs so uniquely to those who are in love. Actually, SSA Emily Prentiss is in love, although she doesn’t smile. She isn’t sure there’s a name for the expression that she sees every time she looks into the mirror. It’s the look that means someone has given their heart without receiving anything back, the look of the heartbroken. And she knows that there is no chance that she will ever receive anything from the person she’s given everything. All too willingly. She knows this, too, from the look the person wore when Emily heard her own voice say “I love you.” Because Emily Prentiss will never forget the image of baby blue filled with disgust.

jj/emily, emily prentiss, titel: corinthians 13:13, fanfiction, criminal minds

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