Something of a different track

Aug 13, 2014 22:57

Things are generally good in my life. I mean, some things could be better, but on the whole, things are good. Dan and Callie are wonderful, and I usually have something to look forward to over the weekend.

I want a better job, to concentrate on working out more, to find more outlets for performance (something I had started about a year before Callie's birth), and write more, but all of this feels attainable. I'd also like a clean house, I have an internal interview (a promotion of sorts?) coming up in about a week and a half or two and a half weeks, so that's exciting.

But there are my parents. I don't know what I'm going to do or what I can do at this point. I haven't yet exhausted or figured out all of my options, yet, but...I don't know how much effort I want to even put into it. Whenever I let myself stop thinking about it, I feel much better. I think and speak better, even.

I've asked my dad to get a HIPAA form signed so that I can get information from his doctor. To be honest, I've kind of lied about the why. Also, the last couple of times I spoke to him, he seemed a lot more lucid, which makes me feel like there is less urgency.

So...if I do do something, 1.) I can have Dan talk to him about memory issues and concerns; 2.) I can confront him more head on about it. 3.) I can fly down, rent a car, take him to the doctors, and be there when he signs off on the HIPAA form. But #3 is something I don't actually want to do. It would be tremendously costly, take me away from Callie, and it would still only be a preliminary sort of step.

I feel like 'people' in general are asking me to 'do something', but I really don't know what to do. And I want to just work on me, my family, getting a better job, and generally working toward other things that are more achievable.
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