May 03, 2011 11:59
Things I have done in the past month (in no order):
-Completed Pokemon White.
-Gotten moderately obsessed with zynga games on FB.
-Bought mead.
-Drank mead.
-Tried pizza topped with chips.
-Went on a drunken night out to a casino. Made a 14 quid profit playing blackjack. Decided I have to learn to play poker.
-Met my birth dad for the first time in 16 years. Discovered that aside from being readers of The Sun, he and his wife are ok. They live in the country and have chickens in their back garden. My dad's wife read Tarot for me and offered to help set me on the right path 'studying' them, seeing as I've been hacking away at my own cards for years and haven't really gotten anywhere. My reading came up with a lot of swords. They have two super-energetic labradors.
Things I have not done in the past month:
-Decided what to do with my journal.
pizza topped with chips,