Huh? That's a hard question to answer. Let's see... there's this man I respected back when I was a rookie. Master Miller was a tough son of a bitch, and a right bastard. He kept pushing us even when we're exhausted, I think in retrospect he had pushed me harder then the rest of the unit. I got scared of pissing him off even though he's nearly a half a foot shorter then I am... was.
Still do. I can't tell exactly what made him so good in my eyes.
[he sits down, expression pained]
He never let me give up, and it just wasn't combat training, black ops lessons. It was other things... not just listening to orders, but intent, and meaning behind it, that I had to think.
Lemme give you a hypothetical question. You got three people to pick to pass on all your stuff to. One's a large guy, thinks mostly of his stomach, but simple and not too malicious. One's a guy who thinks he's all that, and whose chief ambition is to get stronger so he can kick your ass later. One's a younger guy, not too strong, but really wanting to get stronger so he can stand up for himself. Who would you pick?
Hard to say. Probably not the first guy, need someone dedicated. The other two, I'm not sure. Anyone with a cock attitude like that can get knocked down to size - and it's good to have with ambition. The last fellow, desire, good cause....
...Don't tell me you stood under those falls.
[he sights down nearby]
Still do. I can't tell exactly what made him so good in my eyes.
[he sits down, expression pained]
He never let me give up, and it just wasn't combat training, black ops lessons. It was other things... not just listening to orders, but intent, and meaning behind it, that I had to think.
[he chuckles sadly]
Master Miller was a damn good man.
But, it is an odd question to ask out of the blue, did something happen?
Lemme give you a hypothetical question. You got three people to pick to pass on all your stuff to. One's a large guy, thinks mostly of his stomach, but simple and not too malicious. One's a guy who thinks he's all that, and whose chief ambition is to get stronger so he can kick your ass later. One's a younger guy, not too strong, but really wanting to get stronger so he can stand up for himself. Who would you pick?
Hard to say. Probably not the first guy, need someone dedicated. The other two, I'm not sure. Anyone with a cock attitude like that can get knocked down to size - and it's good to have with ambition. The last fellow, desire, good cause....
Just thought I'd ask, is all.
More like what the choice would've been HAD there been one.
But I understand if you don't want to tell it to an overstuffed Penguin.
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