Peskipatchiz pesternomi

Jun 03, 2011 13:04

nVidia strikes again.

I found a couple of patches ago that it’s possible to be informed automatically of updates from nVidia. My rig is getting rather old, but the updates do keep coming. If the process was as simple as it is for Windows Update, I’d like the idea even more, but installing updated drivers from nVidia isn’t simply a matter of clicking on the button.

Vaguely recalling what happened in April, I uninstalled the previous drivers, which then caused Windows Explorer brain damage. I tried installing the new drivers, but got the almost inevitable error message. I think it was the PhysX software which was the problem. I then tried to install the whole thing again, but one bit at a time. Now I’d assume that you tick the boxes for the things that you want, but the update didn’t seem to work like that so that although everything was eventually installed, it seemed to have little to do with my choices.

Gmail is behaving a little better, but that’s relative,1 and the news that the Empire is probably behind the latest attacks on certain gmail accounts no big surprise. Nor is the imperial government’s denial a big surprise. The problem is that the relationship between the imperial government and the truth is so bad that I’m inclined not to believe them just for this reason alone. But the one thing which makes be even more sceptical is the difficult we’ve been having with gmail over the past few months. If there was an actual problem with the service, it would’ve been in the news by now, but the problem is the imperial government and its hatred of Google. Also, by disrupting gmail, the government, in collusion with the vandals, allows them to get a clear run at the service.

I don’t doubt that the Empire has also been subject to attacks, but Locutus of Borg makes that claim every time this story pops up, but gives no details; even if there were details, I’m not sure I could feel much sympathy for a government which is incapable of allowing its citizens to make a critical appraisal of various kinds of information on various subjects.

No, I find it hard to believe that some bunch of overexcited fanboys went after some very specific people without the authorisation of the government or the military.

1. For example, I was able to see that I’ve been left with some spam comment here, but I couldn’t see the message sent to my gmail address.

gmail, patches, blocked sites, the empire, imperial interference, nvidia, annoyances and irritations

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