In the room the women come and go

May 21, 2011 16:15

Talking of state-authorised topics.

To my surprise, I actually managed to access gmail just before. I’ve got nowhere with it so far today and apart from accessing the log-on page, I thought that my attempts to check my mail messages were going to fail again. No Google Chat, and Buzz, though initially accessible, then refused to work because we can have people talking to each other, can we?

I keep thinking back to that piece of whininess, which some students performed when I was in Chengdu, asking why people hate the Empire. Well, keep blocking blogspot, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, the IMDb, etc., and keep buggering up gmail, arresting people on trumped-up charges, abusing , and all those other things which make the Empire so detestable to every decent human being. Stop pretending you’re the victim especially when you victimise each other more than you’ve ever suffered at the hands of foreigners. Stop throwing money at or giving support to other disreputable regimes. Look up the meaning of “ethics” in a dictionary. (But you seem to know the meaning of “duplicity” and “hypocrisy” well enough.) Who appointed you the leader of the Third World?

I need to have a snooze.

gmail, blocked sites, the empire

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