Mar 18, 2024 05:50
took the kids down to dana point this weekend. jesse and vivian came down too! feels weird with the kids a little, like we are mom and dad and been married and these are our 3 kids. they play together really well and vivian fits right in. it does feel like there’s that parenting feel naturally between us. quentin and angeline are like super comfortable. q use his phone to play games, sit on his lap, and held his hand as we crossed the street. it’s nice they can all watch each other.
he’s really good at communicating. he doesn’t leave things unturned and he wants to go full force. i thought i was taking things slow but he wants more connection, telling him my schedule and opening up to feelings. kind of surprised I guess. most guys just take things as they are and it’s still fairly new. but no, not jesse he wants to know schedules from the start and all I can say is he likes me a lot.