Jul 25, 2007 15:40
feeling better today, no thanks to not really sleeping last night...but that's okay.
ugh so many options tonight. Vena Cava, Nile, Year of the Swine....choices choices.
I may just bounce back and forth, honestly I kinda want to see Nile, and their creepy fans.
ugh I wish my arm didn't hurt so much, right on the bruised crease of my elbow, feels like someone stuck a needle all the way to other side of it....not fun.
feeling antsy...not happy with this whole my dad doesn't talk to me for a week, and then calls to say oh by the way I need you to get everything out of your room by this weekend so I can move my office into it. Um thanks for the warning? I totally don't have 10,000 things to do before next friday. FUCK.
Way to make me feel wanted...I just hope he hasn't touched anything yet, there are things in that room that don't look important, but are....I want all my posters intact, my shoe box full of old letters, my other shoe box full of drum sticks.......most of my band tee shirts, my winter clothing, all of my books, you know, the usual things that may not have taken out of your parents house because well, you figure they won't be converting your room into an office anytime soon, and all the house sitting you do, you may have planned on sleeping in your own bed. grrrrrrrrr
bah, I just want to be healthy and ready for the next few days, I mean I have a show to play/run on Tuesday, then 2 days later, the run back and forth game between the Sunshine and Launchpad, packing the night before that anyway...promo that still needs to get out to a few places before I leave, laundry to do SOMEWHERE. Practice sunday for me, practice saturday for Garth, great dad, yeah I'll just pack it up this weekend with all my free time.
I'm ready to leave, like NOW.