Oct 15, 2004 18:20
today was amazing .. it started out in school .. today was pep rally b/c tomorrow is homecoming and i had to wear my cheerleading uniform to school .. that was interesting .. all the varsity teams got out of 9th period for pep rally so i got to leave .. than we warmed up in the girls gym and did really good .. lined up to go in and perform and thats when everyone started getting nervous .. allysa almost like passed out ((scared the shit out of me)) .. than we went in the gym {after kickline} and we did our stunt/cheer routine .. which was amazing!! allysa went so high when we popped her and the best part was, well the second best part was cathcing her really well!! than we did our cheers and stuff and lined up in 2 lines and waved our pom poms for all the varsity teams (yay - not) .. after that we were walking off the floor and we didnt hear any boos! that was the best part of our pep rally experience .. for the last 2 years the cheerleaders werent all the great and would get bood all the time .. but not today!! Wahoo! that was so much fun!! Plus me and maria have become so cheery that i highly doubt its good for our health
After pep rally, 7 of us went to Applebees for food. It was so much fun! The bill ended up being like $85ish b/c the stupid people put the tip in the bill and the tip was like $12.88 .. we were $1.50 short and we were being rebelious and just left it like that =D .. than we ran over by waldbaums and national wholesale liquidators so we wouldnt get caught .. while trying to find somewhere dry to stay we wanted to find orange eyeliner for homecoming tomorrow but we couldnt find it .. instead we went into national wholesale liqudators and took some orange nailpolish .. i felt like such a rebel today! lol maria and allysa!!
Than maria left and it was me allysa and jasmine .. we couldnt find anything to do and were sitting outside the pizza place trying to fing out if allysas friend jay would drive us home .. while we were waiting .. allysa and jasmine got so bored that they went in th pizza place and started telling people to come to our homecoming tomorrow and support the comets! then to get my urge to do a toetouch out .. i did one in front of the pizza place and then allysa did one with me .. after like an hour .. jay finally showed up to drive us home .. We were driving around for like 10 minutes trying to get jasmine home .. than he dropped me off and now im here! but today was seriously amazing! im so hyped for homecoming tomorrow!!
--allysa we definitly have to do that again .. with jay! hes so cool!! =D
xoxo bffl --
im gonna go now .. comment if you want!! laterz!
COME WATCH US AT HOMECOMIMG TOMORROW!! (fair from 10-2 football game at 2)
<3y cant i feel anything for anyone other than you?<3