
Jun 13, 2009 23:49

i got a new computer. it's a little notebook laptop that weighs 3 pounds, and enables me to have internet at home, and hopefully access with some frequency while on the road.

i went to nyc last weekend to hang with some friends. while in china town (fresh off the bus) i purchased a big black shiny purse with a big black shiny bow on it. it's delightful, and the first purse i've searched out and taken seriously because it seriously looks so stupid that i can't help but love it. i also got rhinestoned sunglasses. like, loooooads of rhinestones. even in a beater and acid wash jeans, i look mad glamorous. kind of.

hearing that someone i've known for the last 10 years just murdered an 18 year old girl in a vile manner has left me tossing at night and getting random waves of nausea during the day.

i got a text the other day from a dude that books shows in the area saying that my name came up after some metal show with the promoters/tour managers/bands, and one of the dudes in one of the bands was like... wait. that girl totally took photos of my cock. and i totally did, like 8 years ago. weird thing is, the day before i got a random text asking me if i had taken that dude's n00dz, i had unearthed them (along with other naked people, old family photos, and embarrassing middle school pics) from under my bed (including one hilarious photo of that guy in the buff, cradling my old cat when he was a kitten) and wondered what ever happened to him and if he was still playing music (his old band was sick. i have not yet heard his new band, but i hear they rule and are quite popular amongst metalheads and crust kids.) am i supposed to take this as some sort of sign?

also! speaking of signs. at work the other day i was reading "queen of the oddballs" and right when someone in the book starts to sing "happy birthday to you", some people behind me started singing "happy birthday to you." like literally when my eyes hit the "H", and the tune started in my head as i read along. it was eery. what if these coincidences mean something. dick birthday maybe? it's lost on me. the universe will have to be more direct.

face painting is still an entertaining profession.

i've been cooking indian food which is way less intimidating than i've always thought it would be.

i'm planning to write an essay about the hardships of being a vegan chubby chaser.

ok bedtime.

ps- thank you all for reading that last essay... i'll respond to your comments tomorrow when i'm awake and can give it all proper attention!
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