it's been awhile huh?

May 22, 2009 15:07

that's what being home without internet does to one's blog. for me to get on to this world wide web, i had to pack my (very slow) laptop into my backback and bike across town, buy a cup of coffee, and use hours of my precious day off to answer stupid emails and an endless stream of myspace messages from near or complete strangers asking if kingdom would like to take them along for our entire 2 month euro tour, for free.

it's hot here and today i'm in a tube top. the backpack i had to wear caused my back to sweat so profusely that my shirt is now faded black in the front and a deep, vaguely salty black on the backside, thus ruining what was previously a fairly cute outfit.

my dad asks how i can bear to be without internet. avoiding situations like this, is how i bear. (that, and owning a phone to keep in touch, a phone book to give me important information, cookbooks for recipes, and records for music. it's all fairly new technology, this flies right over most people's heads)

we got home from tour late the night of may 4th and i've spent the time since working 5 days a week (as a face painter, as always) and trying to become a better cook. red and green coconut curries, soyrizo burritos, pizza, sweet potato pies.

dave and i have been seeing each other for nearly 3 months now, which is crazy. crazy that he's my best friend, that he's my bandmate, that he's my roommate, and that now, for lack of a better word, he's my "boyfriend". i never would have expected it, and everyone i tell warns me of the trouble it could cause, but trouble's never been much a concern for me. for now it's travel plans and treats and snuggling and movie watching and hand-holding all over the city that, after being gone for so long, i'm seeing through new, excited eyes.

our tickets for the european tour are bought, and after a 2 month long tour though all of eastern and western europe- including greece, macadonia, and russia- dave and i are staying and additional 12 days with the tentative plan to split our time between madrid and barcelona, spain. he's fluent in spanish and i'm going to the library monday to get a language learning tape.

i've been reading a lot- fairy tales, roald dahl, fantasy, history. my dreams have been amazing lately- i'm sure in no small part due to reading about teleportation and enchanted creatures. 2 nights ago i jumped into a volcano and splashed, full clothed but somehow still comfortable into lava-warmed water, then emerged to see that the volcano was full of bicycles- from sleek road bikes to old cruisers in mint condition, and i could pick any one i wanted to ride the jungle trail out of the volcano. i keep dreaming about warm, breezy nights- spinning in fields of flowers until i fall over, the smell of lilacs as dizzying as my twirling; riding my bike down a hill, no handed, while wearing a beautiful dress, my hair whipping around behind me- swimming in a lake as a plane blows me backward, moving with the wind to climb a flat-faced clif, then being held against it, 200 feet in the air, by the current from the plane- warm, and misty.

but of course there's stress. i have debt, and i'm still going to the doctor over my polycystic ovarian blahblahblah and i have no insurance so i pay out of pocket, and pippi got a terrible UTI and i'm medicating her twice a day which she hates, and her vet bill was also out of pocket, and we have to print merch (out of pocket), and my lease ends the day we go to europe so i have to move my stuff into storage (which hopefully doesn't cost too much) and find someone to watch pippi and ella for 2 1/2 months (rent a car to get them there, and leave them with 2 1/2 months of supplies), then somehow find a place to live while i'm in europe, and have enough money when i get back to move into it, and get the cats from whereever they are. and i only have 4 more weeks of work to get all that money. and even though i've worked 2 exhausting weeks, i haven't seen a paycheck yet, so i'm living off tips. buttttttttt.... freaking out isn't going to change my situation, so i relax in my new cute blue skirt, rooibos tea in hand (i'm quitting coffee). i remind myself that things always work out. and if they don't, i think from time to time, won't THAT be an adventure?
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