May 17, 2005 00:08
so i just played the best game ever of mario kart 64 and yeah thats about all i have to say about that
im supposed to go see mastodon on thurs and im not sure if its def going to happen...and no im not going to see them, im going to see death by stereo who i actually do like
i might be able to get free passes to disney for my b day and thats awesome becasue its only like 2 weeks away
times have been good othee than i have been feeling kind of oddly sick - the story - i cleaned my car and realized the in 2 days i had had like 6 or 7 red bulls so i decided i needed to cut it out and after having at least 1-2 or maybe more than that every day for the past, say, month - i think my body is actually going through red bull withdrawl. I know how totally nuts that sounds but thats all i can figure.
all in all, im still waiting to hear anything from work about the promotion, i guess they havent heard back from NYC yet but the suspene is killing me
times are well and mid evening fla storms are back and as insane as ever