Beauty and the Beast 9/?

Jul 14, 2013 00:16

Title: Beauty and the Beast 9/?
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warnings: Wee!cest (Sam is 13), incest, language, mentions of extreme underage, rimming, bondage, dub-con, non-con
Summary: Long ago, the demon Azazel was told of a prophecy in which a boy king would emerge to lead the armies of darkness against the Light Bringer, a human who is said to have the power to seal the gates of hell forever. Finding the Boy King, he brought him to hell at only eight years of age. Now it is time for the boy to fulfill his role. There's only one problem: his love for a boy named Sammy.

"De? Do you love me?"

Ever since Dean had befriended the pretty girl across the street from Bobby's house, it was always the same. Whenever Erika was around he would plaster himself to Dean's side, doing everything in his power to divert his older brother's attention away from the cute little brunette who seemed to have captured Dean's heart. For the first time in his life, it seemed that Sam was insanely jealous of another human being.

Dean, who found his brother's envy completely and utterly adorable, would always purposefully pursue the little girl to get a rise out of him. Watching little Sammy fold his arms across his chest and puff out his bottom lip gave Dean a sense of security. Seeing Sam jealous ensured that he would always be number one in his baby brother's life, that no other human being on the planet would ever be able to take his place as the object of Sam's affection. The feeling, of course, was overwhelmingly mutual. But while he loved his younger brother more than life itself, it seemed Erika really did end up attracting the older Winchester with her cute little button nose and her infectious smile. So much so, that he ended up spending all of his free time with the girl, unknowingly neglecting little Sammy and therefore leaving the boy up to his own devices.

It was starting to get unbearable for Sam, Dean could tell. He also knew that his brother was upset with him for once again wanting to go over and spend time with Erika. But Dean needed some time to get away from the obligations thrust upon him at such an early age by his wretched father, and kissing a pretty girl's soft lips for the first time seemed as good a distraction as any. However, just as he was about to leave for his rendezvous, little Sammy picked that exact moment to walk into the living room and spring up a question like the one he'd just asked on his unsuspecting older brother.

Turning around to face the love of his life, Dean stared at Sam in awe, a mixture of hurt and disbelief clouding his features.

"Of course I love you, baby boy. I love you more than anything in the world, you stupid little shit! Why would you ask me something like that?"

"Because you're always with that girl and you never spend time with me anymore."

"Sammy," Dean murmured, walking up to Sam and wrapping his arms around him. "I do like her. But I'll never feel the same way about her as I do you. I just…I just want to get out for a while that's all. I need some time away from everything here. It has nothing to do with the way I feel about you."

Sam ripped himself from his brother's arms, looking angrier than Dean could ever remember seeing him.

"Oh, so you being only eight and having to take care of your four-year-old pain in the butt brother is a burden to you, is it? Well, FINE THEN. You go and be with your little girlfriend and leave me alone. I don't love you anymore. Maybe I'll find someone else to spend all my time with and I'll make sure to completely ignore you when I'm with them. You can take a backseat and THEY can be my everything."

Dean's face made a number of transformations while listening to Sammy's tirade, each emotion warring within him just as powerful as the others: shock, confusion, pain. His brother's sadness filled Dean with an enormous amount of guilt and sorrow, hating the fact that it was him that implanted all of that grief into his boy's life just because he befriended someone else. Upon hearing that Sam planned to find someone else to love more than him, all of those other emotions flew out the window to make way for the sudden rage he felt at the thought of anyone else being the center of Sam's world. He allowed that idea to sink in. Someone else touching Sam, making him smile, making him…happy. Just thinking about a life without his brother caused Dean to fall to the ground in agony, emptying the contents of his stomach all over the living room floor.

"DEAN!" Sam screamed, rushing to the older boy's side and running his little hand up and down his brother's back. "I didn't mean it! I swear! Please stop throwing up. I won't go away with anyone else, I promise! I just said that cause I knew you wouldn't want me with someone who wasn't you. I wanted to get closer to you. Please stop! I love you!"

Dean waited until his body was done releasing everything inside his stomach to fling himself at Sam, wrapping his arms around his neck and squeezing like his brother would disappear if he didn't hold on tight. He started to cry then, heart wrenching sobs that resulted in little Sammy crying right along with him.

"Oh god, Sammy. I'm so fucking sorry, baby boy. You can't leave me. I'll die without you. I'll fucking die!"

"I'll never leave you. I promise I won't," Sam whispered.

Dean continued to hold his baby angel, waiting until his tears subsided before revisiting everything Sam had said to him earlier. The anger he felt at his brother's words returned as he once again thought of what losing the boy to someone else would do to him. Feeling very jealous and possessive, Dean moved his arms to wrap around Sam's and squeezed his brother with the kind of grip that would put a boa constrictor to shame. When he heard the younger boy's surprised gasp, he shoved him up against the wall, not being able to do much of anything for the next few minutes besides stand there and stare at the shocked look on little Sammy's face.

"You think anyone else is gonna love you the way I do, little brother?" Dean asked spitefully, his mouth developing into a nasty sneer as he slowly made his way over to Sam. "You think someone else is going to put up with your shit? Guess again. You're not going anywhere, baby boy. I'll die before I allow you to go ANYWHERE without me. Nobody is taking you away from me, goddammit! I'll chain you to the bed if I have to. As a matter of fact, I think that's exactly what I'm gonna do."

Grabbing Sam and throwing him over his shoulder, Dean dragged his brother kicking and screaming into the bedroom they shared together. Throwing him on the mattress, Dean straddled his hips and held him in place while he waited for Sam to stop struggling. When he went limp beneath his body, Dean looked into his little brother's eyes and noticed something in them that he never thought he'd ever see: fear. His baby boy was afraid of him. The realization of that caused him to immediately jump off of Sam and stare down in horror at what he'd just tried to do to the most important person in his life, the only thing in this world that Dean had ever given a damn about.

"De? Are…are you okay?"

Sam looked positively terrified. His whole body shook as he slowly sat up in bed, never taking his eyes off his older brother. The shivers, the fright, the mistrust…it all sent Dean flying over the edge. Making up his mind to disappear, he mumbled something about him having to leave and fled the room. Charging out the front door, he ran down the street until his little legs couldn't carry him any further and finally collapsed beside a tree, sliding to the floor before bursting into tears as everything about his wretched life flashed right in front of his eyes. He couldn't understand what was wrong with him. His anger easily clouded his judgment, he was filled with so much hate for humanity that it made it hard for him to breathe, and the thought of anyone getting close to Sammy sent him into a blinding rage.

Sammy. He was the cause of all this, wasn't he? He was the only thing Dean wanted so he was the only one capable of producing an emotion out of him that wasn't pure hatred. These strong feelings he had for the boy weren't normal…were they? It must have been his father's fault. He was the one who forced Dean to take care of that kid, making him love the child to the point of madness. Why couldn't he do his job as a father and take care of his own damn son for a while? But even as Dean asked the question, he already knew the answer. He was in much too deep, never allowing John or anyone else for that matter to go anywhere near little Sammy. John couldn't take care of Sam; Dean's possessiveness towards the boy wouldn't allow it. So he smothered him, which was probably not a good idea considering the poor child didn't have any friends because of his older brother. He couldn't even take care of himself. Dean did everything for his baby angel. But that had to stop, didn't it? Unless Dean wanted his love for the boy to consume him completely, leaving nothing else inside him except for Sammy. God, what was wrong with him?

Dean was so caught up in his miserable existence that he didn't even register the approaching footsteps coming his way until the person was standing right in front of him. Looking up from where he sat, he noticed a man staring at him, a man who produced a gasp out of his parted lips as he took in the yellow eyes glittering brightly beneath the pale moonlight. He didn't know who this guy was, but one thing was for certain…he scared him. Scared him so much that he didn't even hear the words that came out of the gentleman's mouth until he felt himself being kicked at with the toe of the man's boot.

"Hello Dean," he said.

"How did you know my name?"

"Oh, I know a lot about you, young man. You're a very special boy. Did you know that?"

Dean shook his head, making sure to keep his mouth shut so as not to interrupt. The man with the yellow eyes didn't seem to like that however, so he sat down beside the younger boy and asked him why he was out here this late at night. Dean just shrugged, looking down at his hands in order to avoid eye contact with the stranger, not trusting him as far as he could throw him.

"You don't know, huh? Well allow me to guess. YOU'RE here because you're trying to figure out what's wrong with you. Your anger scares the living hell out of you, you've been burdened with a weight no child should ever have to bear and you have to deal with all of this on your own because you don't have anybody who could provide you with any kind of guidance. Am I right?"

Dean gaped open-mouthed at the stranger in response, obviously shell-shocked at the accuracy with which he pinpointed all of his woes. "What are you? You a mind reader or something?"

The man with the yellow eyes smiled sinisterly at him in response, forcing a full-bodied shiver that he felt within every fiber of his being.. "Yeah…something like that."

"Dean? Are you okay?"

The sound of Sam's voice pulled Dean from his musings, having been too engrossed in his memories to even register his brother's presence as he leaned against the doorway of their bedroom. That boy was becoming quite the little ninja, often entering places with such sneaky precision that his presence usually remained undetected, leaving the other occupant of the room completely at his mercy. It was starting to get a bit unsettling.

"Can't you ever knock?" he snapped.

"Meeeow. What the hell crawled up your ass and died? Oh, wait I get it. You got what you wanted from me last night so now I can piss off, right?"

Dean tensed. "Is that what you think?"

Sam shrugged his shoulders in response, making Dean's heart clench painfully in his chest. He knew he'd been neglecting his brother lately, taking the boy every night since he stole his virginity only to shove him away when morning came, afraid of getting closer to him than he already was. His attraction to his brother was one thing, but ever since he came back from hell, the feelings he'd developed for the child went well beyond his usual obsession. He always knew he was in love with Sam, but this…this was becoming too much. He couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep. All he could think about was him. The little dimples that formed on his cheeks when he smiled, the way he chewed his bottom lip when he was nervous, the intense concentration he possessed as he sat on the windowsill reading whichever of Dean's books were within reach of his eager hands. Everything about the boy chipped away at the ice that entrapped his frozen heart, forcing it to pump the love and desire he still harbored for his brother through every vein existing within his once lifeless body. He'd tried everything he could to reverse the transformation he felt taking place inside him, the most drastic being to push away the one responsible for making it happen, tragically to no avail. There was no possible way he could ever refuse that damn child when he looked at him the way he did. It was almost as if his angel knew the effect he had on him, a thought Dean hoped never to be true. Sam must never know the power he had over his older brother. Nobody could…

"Come here baby," Dean murmured softly.

Sam remained firmly in place, ignoring his brother's protests.

"Aww c'mon, Sam. Don't be like that. Come here and let your big brother make it all better."

"I don't think so," Sam admonished. "You're just going to do disgusting things to me again. You're going to f…make love to me."

Dean smiled playfully at his little angel, greatly amused by his innocence. "You mean fuck you, don't you?"

Sam blushed.

"I don't understand why you can't just say it, Sam. There's nothing wrong with fucking. We do it all the time."

"That's cause you're always touching me. It's not like I can turn you down or anything."

Dean raised his eyebrows. "I have never forced you to do anything you didn't already want yourself and I certainly don't remember hearing you complain when you were buried ball deep in my ass. As I recall, you seemed to like it very much. Now why don't you bring that talented little prick over here so I can swallow it whole."

Great, Dean thought to himself as he watched his brother dart out of the room. So much for me getting laid.


"Dinner is served, sir."

Dean gave Sam a weary glance as they sat at the table to eat their supper, worried that the boy might not want to sit next to him because of what happened earlier. Dean's fears were quieted, however, when he received a tiny smile from his brother as he sat in the seat beside him. Dean let out the breath he'd been holding since Sam first walked through the door, relieved that he no longer had to worry about getting the cold shoulder from the love of his life over his perverted tongue.

Sam looked apprehensively at the food Heathcliff had prepared, unsure what to make of it. "What is it?"

"Escargot. It's a delicacy."

Sam made a face. "Gross."

Dean smiled at his brother's rude disposition. "Stop being such a little asshole and just eat, would ya?"

"Not yet," Heathcliff replied. "Our guest of honor has yet to arrive. He said he'd be here at six o'clock sharp but it seems he's late."

Dean looked confused. "I'm sorry…who's joining us exactly?"


Every head in the dining room turned to follow the sound of the person who spoke, shocked to see their actual topic of conversation resting casually against the doorway, a smirk firmly in place on his diabolical face as his yellow eyes focused directly on Sam.

Dean's eyes darted from Azazel to his brother suspiciously, disturbed that the other demon had taken such a personal interest in his boy. Why the hell is Sam looking at him like that anyway?

Azazel cautiously approached Sam as he made his way across the room, careful not to spook the frightened boy as he was in no mood to deal with Dean's insufferable petulance. Kneeling by the child's side, he carefully reached his hand out to brush Sam's bangs away from his face, gazing intently into the boy's hazel eyes.

"You must be little Sammy Winchester. My, my, my…aren't you a beautiful boy? I'll bet the girls are just crazy about you." A glance in Dean's direction told him he was treading on thin ice, the scowl present on his face giving him a sinister appearance that Azazel greatly appreciated. Deciding to push just a little bit further, he slowly pressed his nose up against Sam's neck to take in his scent, groaning softly at the pleasant assault on his nostrils. Sam's breath hitched in response to the sudden closeness, adding fuel to the fire the demon felt burning deep within his loins.

"Hmm, your aroma is intoxicating. Oh yes…you certainly possess the ability to attract members of the female persuasion. Tell me, do you have a girlfriend yet?"

A possessive growl formed involuntarily in Dean's throat at Azazel's question, causing everyone at the table to turn their heads in the older boy's direction. "Get away from him."

Azazel stared menacingly at Dean, yellow eyes hardening at the tone of the boy's voice. "Why?"

Dean got up to stand in between Sam and Azazel, looking down at the other demon with a combination of anger and rebellion. Staring the older man down stubbornly, he bent forward a couple of inches to speak with as much malice as he could muster, hoping like hell to get his point across to the evil bastard that had ruined his life. "He's mine."

Azazel and Dean stared at one another in a silent battle of wills, each one waiting to see who would break eye contact first. The older man smiled as he took in this interesting display of dominance, greatly amused at the lengths Dean would go to prove his possession over his baby brother. Standing up to his full height, Azazel turned and walked out of the room, stopping to spit out over his shoulder, "You know Dean, you outta be careful how you speak to me. You of all people should know what lengths I will go to get my revenge on whoever dares to show me any kind of disrespect. I'd really hate for you to wake up one morning and have everything you care about taken away from you."

Dean waited until Azazel had exited the room before turning to face Sam, hating the tears he saw forming in his beautiful eyes.

"Well", he replied dryly. "So much for dinner."


Sam leaned against the bathroom tiles as water poured in thick rivulets down his aching back, the scalding heat a welcome distraction against the pulsing surge of pain attacking his abused temples. Thoughts of earlier that evening began to creep into his mind as he revisited the night Dean had revealed to him where he'd been all those years he was gone. He had been so livid about Dean being in hell that he hadn't even registered the name of the man who'd been haunting his dreams when it came out of his brother's lips. He could kick himself in the ass for that now. Why the man came to Selma was a mystery Sam was eager to find out, hoping against hope that the reason would have something to do with the nature of his dreams, as he was almost certain that Azazel knew something about them.

Sam jumped when he felt hands massage his shoulders, turning to face a very sour faced Dean.

"Dean! Oh god…you scared me."

Dean just continued to stare at Sam, the anger he saw on his face transforming into a worried expression that scared Sam.

"Are you alright?" Dean asked warily.

"Yeah yeah. I'm just really tired."

Dean pulled Sam into his arms without warning, pressing their naked bodies up against each other as the hot water pounded against the skin attached to their entwined limbs. They stayed like that for so long that Sam was beginning to think Dean would never want to move again. After what seemed like forever, Dean suddenly whispered shakily into Sam's ear, the words soothing the panic he'd felt rising steadily in his heart since the arrival of that horrible demon.

"I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep you safe, Sam."

Smiling against Dean's shoulder, Sam squeezed his brother tight enough that he could hear his breath hitch. "Promise?"

Dean moved his head to lock their lips together in a hard kiss, moaning softly at how easily his baby brother yielded to him. It was at that moment, with Sam wrapped in his possessive arms, that he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was going to do whatever it took to protect this boy, even if he had to die to do it.

Resting their foreheads together, he gazed intently into the eyes of his beloved angel. His life…his love…his Sammy.

"I promise."

.au, dub-con, sam/dean, wee!cest, non-con

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