Beauty and the Beast 8/?

Jul 14, 2013 00:07

Title: Beauty and the Beast 8/?
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warnings: Wee!cest (Sam is 13), incest, language, mentions of extreme underage, rimming, bondage, dub-con, non-con
Summary: Long ago, the demon Azazel was told of a prophecy in which a boy king would emerge to lead the armies of darkness against the Light Bringer, a human who is said to have the power to seal the gates of hell forever. Finding the Boy King, he brought him to hell at only eight years of age. Now it is time for the boy to fulfill his role. There's only one problem: his love for a boy named Sammy.

Dean sat on the bed with his back pressed against the headboard and his legs stretched out in front of him, locking his ankles together and staring miserably at the far wall directly in his line of vision. The pillow he clutched in his arms was pressed tightly to his chest, the sweet aroma of his brother's scent filling his nostrils the only comfort he was able to achieve while wallowing in his self-pity. He'd spent the entire night crying, wanting so badly to carry Sam bridal style out of the prison he'd imposed upon him and apologize over and over for letting his temper get the best of him. Morning had crept up without Dean's knowledge, so far gone was he in his misery that he hadn't even noticed an entire night go by until he felt the sun peeking through the red velvet curtains that embraced the dusty windowsill, warming his face with its rays in what seemed like nature's attempt to drastically brighten his dreary disposition.

Sammy. The very thought of the boy did terrible things to Dean's emotions, forcing the production of more tears that fell down his cheeks and saturated the pillow he held onto for dear life. All he wanted was for his little brother to love him, a wish that proved more and more impossible as time went on. Ever since Sam was a little boy, Dean had done whatever the child asked of him in the hopes that spoiling his angel would ensure a spot in his life and his heart. He'd lied, cheated, stolen and even killed to make sure his brother was content, all the while promising to never hurt him. He was supposed to be his protector and yet here he was, too busy thinking about his own pain to focus on the fact that he'd just locked little Sammy up in a dungeon because he refused to give in to the demands of a demanding and possessive brother.

Damn that boy. Dean was a fallen angel, a bloodthirsty demon hell-bent on world domination; Azazel's weapon against the forces of light that threatened to overthrow Lucifer, the rightful heir to God's throne. He had a destiny that he was meant to fulfill, dammit. He was chosen by Satan himself to see to the destruction of heaven and earth, hell's ultimate weapon against everything that was good and holy. How the hell was he supposed to lead an entire army of demons against God and his pathetic angels when he couldn't even control his own damn heart? A heart that's not even supposed to exist? His entire life has been turned upside down to the point where he didn't know whether he was coming or going and it was all because of that damn boy…his boy. His Sammy.

All the darkness and anger he'd been engulfed in disappeared at the thought of his baby brother, leaving behind an inner peace that felt almost as soothing as Sam's touch. A smile crept along his face as a memory of his brother's grin flashed before his eyes, the corners of his lips curling up in an expression of happiness as he dreamed of whatever it was good little boys dreamed about while sleeping in the passenger seat of the Impala. Dean remembered driving him up to Selma and almost getting into an accident because of that smile, so transfixed was he on his baby angel's beautiful face that he'd stopped paying attention to the road. That boy was going to be the death of him, of that he was certain.

Dean sighed to himself as he made his way back to his brother, the enormous weight of guilt hanging heavy on his shoulders for the sin he'd committed against his life, his love…his everything. It was then that he realized he had to tell Sam everything he wanted to know. He was tired of keeping secrets from him, however dark they may be. He just hoped that his brother wouldn't turn him away or try to leave. Considering just how much Dean craved Sam, trying to walk away would be a horrible mistake on the young boy's part. After all, a life without Sammy wasn't a life worth living, now was it?


The putrid stench of sulfur filled the nose of Lucifer's most prized possession as he proceeded cautiously to his master's throne, kneeling with his head down in a gesture of submission as he eagerly awaited his instructions.

"Do you know why I called you here Azazel?"

Azazel shivered at the sound of his master's voice, the deep rumble reverberating throughout every available surface of hell's kingdom. He often wondered what went on in the minds of the souls on the rack when they heard that sound. The thought of their despair as they were carved into a million pieces made him smile. Maybe one of these days, his master would allow him to torture them himself. Alistair was becoming a bit rusty…

"No sir."

"I have some good news for you, pet. Your daughter has been in the land of the living, watching very carefully over the Winchester family. The child has been born."

Azazel shot his head up in surprise, an evil grin forming on his demonic face. "It has begun?"

"I trust you know what to do?"

"Yes," he replied, the smile he carried disappearing as a thought suddenly occurred to him. "But what about the other one? If Dean is supposed to care about him then he could prove as a distraction. Is there a way that we can perhaps stop him from being born?"

"My dear Azazel, not even I have the power to prevent the birth of Samuel. However, I have been allowed a tiny glimpse into the future and well…let's just say it looks somewhat promising."

Azazel stared confusedly at his master. "But sir…how can that boy be a good thing? He's going to be an obstacle because of our savior's affinity for him. I won't be able to properly persuade the boy to fulfill his role when he still has love in his heart."

"There there," Lucifer replied, petting his slave's head soothingly. "Don't you worry, pet. I have plans for our little Sammy. You see, Dean may be the key to our salvation, but Sam may also prove himself useful in fulfilling the prophecy set forth by my own hand. That boy will succumb to the powers of sin; I'll make sure of it. Dean is going to be the key to Samuel's fall from grace. By the time that boy is through with him, he'll be soiled beyond recognition; a mere shell of his former self. He'll be one of us."

"I'm sorry but…I'm afraid I don't understand."

"You aren't meant to Azazel," Lucifer snapped, his voice hardening in frustration. "Trust me, I know exactly what I'm doing. Now be a good little bitch and head on back to Kansas. Our boy king is going to need a watchful eye on him at all times. Who better to provide the necessary task of looking after our chosen one than the demon that's going to be responsible for his downfall? You're going to need to establish trust with Dean, Azazel. He can't come down here unless he's willing. Getting him into that mindset will prove quite difficult, as you have previously stated. It's time you thought about what you plan to do about that. We're done here."

Being dismissed, Azazel vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving Lucifer alone with his dark thoughts. Soon, he promised himself. Soon he would reign over all that God has created. He would rise from the depths of this insufferable hell to take his place as the rightful heir to that bastard's throne. It would all be his…finally.


Dean watched as his little brother clutched his sweater tightly in his fists, completely oblivious to the extra presence in the room. His sweat slicked skin shined in the little bit of sunlight that draped over his body, making him look feverish. Being in the throes of what Dean could only guess was a bad nightmare, he gently awoke the sleeping boy, all the while whispering words of love and praise to soothe him into consciousness.

Sam's eyes fluttered open at the faint sound of his brother's voice, the words he spoke incomprehensible over his heavy breathing. Before he even realized what he was doing, he found himself shooting up from the wooden bench he'd fallen asleep on and wrapping his arms around Dean in a bear hug, overly pleased to be out of the dream he'd awakened from.

For one brief moment, everything disappeared, all the sins his brother had committed against him evaporating in a cloud of smoke as he held on tight to the memory of the person Dean used to be. It wasn't until he spoke that Sam was thrust back into the present, the Dean from his memories slowly fading into the odious creature that now wore his brother's face. It was then that everything came back to him with a vengeance, making him tense in the older boy's arms.

"Oh god…are you alright, baby boy? Is something wrong?"

Sam recoiled from Dean's touch, disgusted that he had the audacity to ask that question. "Are you kidding? You're seriously going to sit there and ask me if I'm okay? You locked me up in a dungeon, Dean!"

Dean looked stunned. "Look, Sammy-"

"Don't you Sammy me. I'm so sick and tired of your bullshit, Dean. Go away. I don't wanna be anywhere near you. You're a fucking monster."

Sam flinched at the hurt look his brother gave him, hating himself for caring so damn much about the older boy's feelings. How the hell was he supposed to kill the bastard when he could still get that kind of reaction out of him?

"Samuel…I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry, honey. Please, you've gotta believe me. I never meant for any of this to happen. Can't…can't we start over? I can make it just like old times. That's what you said you wanted, right? Let me get us back to where we were."

"Oh yeah right," Sam laughed bitterly. "Any preconceived notions I had about our relationship having even a shred of normalcy was shattered the moment you locked me up in this godforsaken dungeon. You became a fucking demon, Dean."

"It doesn't change the way I feel about you."

"You killed Aimee!"

"That bitch deserved it! She tried to take you away from me and I just can't…I can't live without you, Sammy. I'll die, don't you get it? I'll fucking die!"

Dean fell to his knees before Sam had a chance to react, wrapping his arm's around Sam's waist and burying his face in his belly. Without thinking, he placed his hands on Dean's head, running his fingers through the older boy's short hair. He would have thought Dean a liar had it not been for the tears he could feel soaking his sweater, the wetness of it evidence of his brother's pain. Harming the older boy would be a lot harder than Sam thought. The feelings he still harbored for Dean kept pulling at his heart-strings, playing it like a finely tuned instrument until all he could feel was an odd combination of love and sympathy.

"I'm so sorry, Sammy. Please don't leave me."

Tears trailed traitorously down Sam's cheeks as he stared at the wall in front of him, the depression he felt creating a black hole of despair deep within his very soul. Hanging his head in defeat, he looked at Dean and smiled.

"Don't worry Dean," he replied softly. "I'm not going anywhere."


Dean smiled possessively at the warm body beneath him, rolling his hips in devilish figure eight patterns and reveling in the tiny groans he got in return for his efforts. "It's okay, Sammy. You don't have to be so quiet. We're the only ones home right now. C'mon, let it out. Yeah, that's it. Moan for big brother."

Sam's eyes fluttered shut as Dean increased the pressure to his groin, rubbing their clothed cocks together as hard as he could to get a reaction out of Sam, a reaction which he gave without thinking.

"Unh…Dean. God, feels so good."

Dean groaned as he felt his climax approaching, every tiny whimper Sam gave sending him closer and closer to the point of no return. Determined to send his baby brother over the edge with him, he leaned down and began whispering filthy words in Sam's ear, making sure to pause between each one long enough to slide his tongue in and out of the boy's mouth, an exquisitely sensual act which seemed to please little Sammy greatly.

"I know you like this, baby boy. Feels so good on your little prick, doesn't it? Love it when De rubs himself all over your tiny little cock? I used to play with it back then too, you know. You'd wake up from those nightmares and I'd put my hand in between your thighs and rub your sweet little dick, loving how daddy never came in to see what was wrong. You were moaning my name loud enough for him to hear and I just kept pleasuring your body until you shuddered and climaxed in my hand. I never stopped, Sam. I would tell my little Sammy that big brother was gonna make it all better and I'd stick my hand inside your pajamas and massage that little cock over and over again. You'd moan and groan and tell me to stop and I'd just keep rubbing and rubbing and rubbing-"

Sam interrupted Dean with a scream, his brother's words ripping his orgasm from him as he clutched at his shoulders for support. Dean's knowing smirk was replaced with an expression of bliss as he followed close behind, whispering Sam's name over and over like a prayer.

"So," Dean said breathlessly. "You forgive me?"

Sam looked at his brother without answering, feeling nothing but shame at having gotten off to Dean's disgusting comments about the things he used to do to him when they were younger. He didn't know what horrified him more: the fact that Dean has been molesting him for lord knows how long, or the fact that he liked it.


"Yes Dean," Sam replied, staring up at the ceiling. "I forgive you."

Satisfied with his answer, Dean moved to his side and pulled Sam against his chest, cuddling up close to him and nuzzling his nose into the back of his neck. "So…anything you want me to tell you about what's going on here?"

Sam's ears perked up at that. "Where did you go when you disappeared?"

For a brief moment, there was nothing but silence. Dean was quiet so long, Sam didn't think he was going to answer him.


Sam turned around and gazed intently into Dean's eyes, that familiar feeling of sympathy returning once more to reclaim its place in his troubled heart.

"What happened?" he whispered.

"There was a demon named Azazel and he brought me down there. That's all you need to know."

"But why did he take you away from me?" Sam asked, trying to stop the flow of tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. "Do you have any idea what I went through when you left? I looked everywhere for you, Dean. Dad told me you had to go but he didn't tell me where and I just…I was a wreck without you, big brother."

Dean frowned at Sam's words, hating that his leaving had caused his baby boy so much pain. "I want to tell you, Sammy. I do, it's just…I know you'll want to run far away from me when I do and I can't have that, not now. I promise when the time is right, you'll know. I just need you to be patient with me until then. Can you do that for me?"

Even as Dean asked the question, Sam found himself knowing the answer. He'd gladly put off all thoughts of killing the one thing that's always meant so much to him if there was even an inkling of possibility that he could get his brother back to the person he used to be. Grabbing Dean's face in his hands, he leaned in to press their lips together in a chaste yet erotic kiss.

"Yes. Yes I can wait."


Sam knew he was dreaming the minute he opened his eyes and found himself in a post-apocalyptic earth, the world around him hardly recognizable with all the dead bodies that surrounded him. Blood rained from the sky as the angels of heaven fell dead upon the ground, their crimson-stained wings spread out over the filthy pavement. Noticing a figure up ahead, Sam moved towards what appeared to be a man covered in blood, holding the dead body of a boy who looked shockingly like him.

A voice in the distance broke Sam out of his trance, the origin of it unknown. "It is finished, Dean. God is no more."

Dean? Sure enough, the figure turned around to reveal himself as Sam's brother, staring at the owner of the voice with tears in his eyes. He was holding…oh god, Sam thought to himself. He's holding me.

"You made me kill my brother. My little Sammy. How am I supposed to survive without him?"

"You will make due, my pet, for you have achieved greatness. You should be celebrating in your victory. You have become much more than what you used to be. This pain you feel will pass, I promise you. You just need to let go. Now come…enjoy the fruits of you labor."

Looking down at Sam, Dean placed the softest of kisses to his forehead before setting him down on a large pillar, grabbing a match out of his pocket and setting his body on fire. Sam felt sick as he watched himself burn, tears pouring down his face in thin rivulets.

"Goodbye Sammy," Dean whispered.

"No!" Sam shouted, running up to Dean in an effort to get his attention. "I'm still here, Dean! I'm still here!"

Sam looked on horrified as Dean walked away, completely oblivious to the presence of his younger brother. His body faded into darkness, leaving Sam shouting after him in a vain attempt to get him to come back.

"Dean, don't! I'm still here! I'm still here!"


Sam shot straight up in bed at the sound of his brother's voice, his wide eyes blinking their confusion into the dark room as he tried to focus on Dean's location. Finding him by his side, he threw himself at the older boy and clutched to his body, refusing to let go.

"Sammy? Baby, are you okay?"

Sam squeezed tighter in response, the elation that came with being in Dean's arms a welcome feeling compared to the despair brought on by his wretched nightmare. "I missed you, Dean. God, I love you so much."

Dean smiled at Sam's words, kissing his head in a gesture meant to soothe. "What exactly brought this on? Another nightmare?"

Sam nodded.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No. I want…I want you, Dean."

Dean smiled. "You have me."

Pulling away to look into his brother's eyes, Sam felt a need burn within him at the sight of his lover, an insane surge of lust tearing down his defenses to the point where the only thing he could think about were Dean's hands on his body.

"I want you to pleasure me, Dean. I want…I want you."

Dean groaned at Sammy's request, gently laying his brother on their bed and stripping off his clothes. Before Sam had a chance to catch his bearings, Dean's mouth was on his cock, the warm suction causing him to cry out in ecstasy.

"Oh god…oh baby…more."

Dean hummed around him, the vibrations sending him into another fit of lust which became stronger as the head of his dick touched the back of his brother's throat. He watched transfixed as Dean's cheeks hallowed, sucking harder and harder until Sam thought he was going to pass out from the pressure.

"Dean," Sam groaned, fisting his hands in the older boy's hair and whimpering when his head began to bob slowly up and down. Everything Dean did sent a pulse of electricity through Sam's body, each nerve ending tingling with the delicious sensations brought on by his brother's talented mouth.


Taking his mouth off of his baby brother, Dean stood up and slowly began to strip each layer of clothing off one by one.

"I know what you want baby," Dean whispered seductively. "And I'm gonna give it to you."

Having shed all of his clothing, Dean crawled up Sam's body on all fours, placing kisses all over his skin along the way.

"Hand me that bottle on the nightstand, will ya?"

Sam's lust-clouded brain short-circuited, the question Dean asked falling on deaf ears. "Huh?"

"Never mind," Dean chuckled. "I'll do it."

Sam watched as Dean grabbed a tiny bottle of what appeared to be some kind of lubricant. The hell is that for?

"It's for your cock, Sammy."

Sam smiled. "So what? You can read minds now?"

"Maybe just a little bit."

Dean popped the cap off the bottle and, without taking his eyes off Sammy, drizzled some onto the palm of his hand, the action coupled with the eye contact making the whole thing surprisingly sensual. Sam moaned when Dean spread it all over his cock, the cold liquid a pleasurable contrast to the heat generating from his brother's hand.

Dean smiled as he threw the bottle on the floor, straddling Sam's hips and suspending his ass over his little brother's cock.

"What are you gonna do?" Sam asked, feeling frightened.

"I'm gonna fuck you Sammy," Dean replied softly, sliding his brother into himself in one quick motion.

The look on little Sammy's face was priceless: wide eyes and mouth frozen in an expression of tortured lust, flushed cheeks that took on an even rosier glow as Dean began to slowly move up and down on his baby's dick, the burn from the stretch making him groan in satisfaction.

"Can't talk can you, Sammy? Tell me baby, how does my ass feel? Is it tight around your cock? You like it when I ride you?"

Sam stared at his brother in shock as his hands instinctively latched on to the older boy's hips hard enough to leave marks. The amount of pleasure he felt was too intense for his virgin body to handle, the tight, wet heat surrounding him making him see stars.

"Talk to me Sammy," Dean demanded, breath hitching as his little brother unintentionally hit that sweet spot inside of him.

"Dean," Sam sobbed, overwhelmed by the friction between his legs. "No more. Please…it's too much. I can't handle it."

"Oh, but you will. You know why? Cause you love it when your big brother rides that little dick, don't you? Love how I roll my hips with you inside of me. Love it when I bounce on your virgin cock. You love everything I do to you, baby boy. Don't you dare try to fucking deny it."

Sam groaned as his head fell to the pillow in defeat. Dean's words made him realize he was fighting a losing battle, and with his brother slip sliding up and down on his erection, he knew the sensation was going to make him too weak to do much more than just lie there and take it.

Dean grinned victoriously as he bent the younger boy to his will, the look of submission on his face one hell of an aphrodisiac.

"Such a good boy," Dean whispered as he continued to slowly slide up and down, the feeling causing them to shiver blissfully. "Such a…goood…boooy. Oh…oh Sammy. Sammy…Sammy…Sammy."

Dean increased the speed of his movements as he came hard all over Sam's chest, his inner walls constricting around the cock inside of him hard enough to trigger his brother's orgasm. Dean sighed in pleasure as he leaned down to entwine his tongue with Sam's , the kissing insignificant compared to the feeling of his little brother thrusting involuntarily inside his body.

"Hmm, that's it baby boy," Dean purred, lying perfectly still while his brother worked himself through the aftershocks. "Impale your big brother with you hard cock. You know I like it like that, baby. Just like that. Ah yeah, that's my boy. So good, Sammy. So good. Want me to move my hips, sweetheart? Work that sexy prick inside my tight little ass? Cause I'll do it for you, angel. I'll do anything for you, work you so good. "

Sam let out a loud drawn out moan, the sound making Dean's cock twitch in renewed interest. "Is that a yes?"

Sam's eyes closed in response, the sudden need to sleep overwhelming. "Sleepy, Dean."

"Then sleep sugar," Dean replied softly, kissing his brother's cheek as he too drifted off into unconsciousness, barely registering Sam's last words before being overtaken by darkness.

"I love you, De."

.au, dub-con, sam/dean, wee!cest, non-con

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