Catchin' Up

Mar 23, 2005 13:59

I gotta say I'm awful sorry. We had this job to do an' it kept me away from the Cortex an' kept me from bein' able to write the last couple of weeks. But I figure I'm here now an' I'll get all caught up an' it'll all be shiny again, right?

If you could change one person's mind about something, who and what would it be?

Well, I don't think I could go 'round changing folks minds. Most of the crew's pretty hard headed. I wouldn't ever think of tryin' to change the Captain's mind, what with the tetchiness an' all. Can't really think of anything I'd rightly change. Maybe he could be a bit nicer to some folk, but that's just him. He ain't all that bad, an' I love my Captain. But he does make folk cry sometimes. Still, ain't nothin' I'd do to really change him.

I suppose I'd want to change Simon's mind 'bout this life. He said once it weren't fun. That Serenity was a piece of go-se. 'Course I think he's already changed his mind about that. He seems happier at least. More like maybe he's okay with bein' one of us.

An' maybe I'd change his mind about the "I'd never, not with Kaylee" comment. 'Cause it ain't all that flatterin' that he'd say so quick that he wouldn't. Then I gotta wonder, if I have to work so hard to change his mind about it? Well that ain't all that self-respectin' neither. I just wish he'd make up his mind one way or the other.

What in your life are you the most dissatisfied with, and why?

Ain't much. I got my friends. I got Serenity. I wish Captain'd let me paint some more flowers 'round the ship, brighten her up a bit. But I ain't real dissatisfied with that.

Guess it's gettin' to the point that I'm a bit dissatisfied 'bout how long it's been since I've been with a man. Not dissatisfied to take Jayne up on any of his offers, mind you, but I'm gettin' a bit tetchy about that situation right enough.

What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?

Sometimes things get broke an' they can't be fixed. When Serenity broke an' I couldn't fix her an' Captain made us all leave him on her an' take the shuttles? That was right scary. We didn't have enough power t' get anywhere, but he thought maybe we'd be picked up an' be all right. We all knew it weren't gonna happen, though. We were gonna die in those shuttles, or we were gonna die on Serenity. At some point, the air was gonna give out an' the heat was going to go an' we were gonna freeze to death. Captain kept tellin' me to fix it if we were gonna keep breathin' an' there was nothin' I could do. She were broke, an' somehow I'd missed it. I hadn't seen it comin an' everyone was gonna die because of it. When we were all crowded in the shuttles that's all I could think. It kept goin' round and round in my head.

But that weren't the scariest. No, the scariest were when we went to rescue Captain from Niska. There were guards an' they were shootin' at us an' we were supposed to shoot back. Simon were shooting at them an' then he was gone. These three of them were shooting at me an' I couldn't even pull the trigger. Captain was bein' held an' tortured an' all I could do was stand there an' hide an' not even shoot. Then River was there. She took the gun an' she closed her eyes an' without looking, she shot all three of them. Killed 'em all. Then she turned to me an' smiled this smile like we was playin' an' said what I'd said earlier when I won the apple, 'cept she was still holdin' the gun.

"No power in the 'verse can stop me."

That were the scariest thing ever happened to me.
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