What can you say is truly yours?

Feb 28, 2005 12:45

I ain't got much in the way of things. Don't see much use for 'em. I mean, I'd like to have some things like Inara's, but they'd just get all dirty in the engine-room anyways, so it don't much matter.

I've got one fancy dress an' it is right pretty an' all mine. A gift from the Captain. But I don't think that's necessarily what you're askin' about. Or maybe you are. 'Cause the question is what can I say is truly mine.

That dress is mine. My clothes an' the wooden duck I picked up on some moon. They's everywhere, so I figured I should have 'least one. My bunk ain't really mine. Just my bunk on Serenity. Serenity is the Cap'n's, much as I love her.

Simon ain't mine. Not yet, leastways, but I am workin' on it.

My friends are mine. My family. An' I'm theirs. It kinda works that way an' that's shiny.

Still, the question seems t'call for somethin' a bit deeper than all that an' I just don't...

The sky. The black. It don't rightly belong to anyone, but when you're out in it? Cap'n says it's freedom an' it's yours.

Belongs to each of us utterly an' solely an' collectively. They can put you away an' take everything you got, but you still got the sky, even if only in your dreams. The freedom it represents.

I guess that's mine. Ain't got no rules to follow 'cept Captain's, long as we keep on flyin'.
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