Jun 28, 2011 23:25
I guess it's been about two months since I've posted. Summer classes are kinda intense |D I only have one more day of bio lab though so that's something. After that I'll be done with all. my science requirements. ever. 8D
Hmmmm. What happened recently? Well, two of the most precious kiddos in the world turned 16. Another one became not a kiddo anymore :) Yukkii-baby is cast in HanaKimi as Nakao (WHICH I TOTES CALLED, BTW, I'm totally a genius stalker), Mitsu has Tenimyu, Shin has Myuntama, and Shion just got cast in the new Kamen Rider, along with Ryuuki :D You-chan is going to be in the new Tonari no 801(Yaoi)-chan movie which I think is made of total excellence sauce. PDB DVD got announced for August 17 and it is EXPENSIVE D: I dunno about Mao? That boy should be in a drama, I wanna see him :( New Takumi is soon, though :D PURE WAS TOTALLY EXCELLENT. I say that but I basically only liked the Mitsutaka bits so that's all I think of that movie as being. 8|
My Japanese is steadily improving. I'm becoming less of a shybucket overall (English too, haha) and I'm getting pretty comfortable with speaking. I still switch between formal and casual speech mid-conversation |D but we've been focusing a lot on that in class so I'm getting a little better at least. Don't ask me to keigo though. It can't be done |D If you're studying Japanese and want to be good, I can only recommend that you watch buckets and buckets of J-TV and pick up on how the language sounds in that way, because I know it's worked wonders for me, and in my class, there's a pretty big difference between people who watch lots of J-stuff/talk to exchange students/have studied abroad and those who don't. And I'd say that just by watching dramas and reading blogs all the time I'm about as good as those who have spent a reasonable amount of time in Japan :o At any rate, I totally wrote an essay about how Kamen Rider made me good at Japanese and my teacher loved it so |Dv
Other than that, I think I'm about the same as normal :) How are you doing, everyone? :D
honma ni?,
ninjas are the new tennis players,
oh shin-chan,
mitsu my love,
cute mao,
pole dancing boy☆s,
i iz a college stoodent,
boy-kissing movies