I'm praying for those who lost their lives 7 years ago. Today's date was a day where Americans united as one. It makes me sick and sad that so many people seem to forget such a tragedy. It's the main reason our country has been fighting for so long. I can still recall that day. I was in 8th grade sitting in my government class. One of the most inspirational teachers I've ever met (Miss Lau) was telling us about the Constitution. All of a sudden Mrs. Clark (Another one of my favorite teachers) came rushing in and told our teacher to turn on the television right away. That's when I saw it, right before my eyes, a twin tower had been hit. I felt relieved that I didn't know anyone who worked in one of the towers, but still prayed silently to myself for the families who did have someone in the towers. That's when we saw the second plane crash into the other tower. At that point my teachers began to scream. Everyone in the class either looked confused or afraid. I felt my heart plummet and that's when I knew this wasn't just an accident. It was an attack on my own country. I was watching history, horrific and terrifying history that no American who experienced or saw it would forget. I felt a tear roll down my face as I clenched my fists feeling fury and remorse. The towers collapsed and I just prayed harder and harder for those who were in the towers. Those who might lose their lives. The firefighters and police officers that were going to risk their lives to help fellow citizens. Later when they sent us home in fear the Sears Tower would be attacked I was informed by my mother that the pentagon had also been attacked and that another plane had been on it's way to the White House when the passengers fought back to save The White House. I will always cherish the individuals who were on that plane for their bravery. I believe that they have a special spot somewhere in heaven where they are praised. They are truly heroes and everyone else who worked around the clock and died to help find people in the rubble also deserve the biggest praise and honor.
When such a terrible thing happens it makes you realize how privileged you are to be living the life you are. So many people today lost fathers, mothers, children, friends, and spouses. If you lose something minuscule in life such as a possession, job, or if your just having a bad day thinking about past and current events where you lose something permanently or suffer daily makes you really come to appreciate your life. I'm so happy with my life. My mother may have gotten stage 3b cancer, but she is still fighting and she makes me believe that if you have the will to do something you are capable of doing whatever you want. She fights for us, and she never stops. We may be losing our house and have to leave, but my dad has never given up. He's worked like a dog all his life to support his children and his family and I appreciate him. I get my work ethic from my dad, because if he can work that hard I can too. I will do anything in my power to ensure that I can repay them for all they have done for me someday. I may not have done as well as I would have liked on the GRE, but I know that I'm intelligent and that I can go far in my life. Einstein failed math after all. I have worked extremely hard not only at school, but at work as well. I have worked so hard in my education that I have a pretty great average and I am graduating in three years. I will be 20 years old with a Bachelors degree and I do not plan on stopping there. I will do everything in my power to get my masters and hopefully someday even get a PHD. I work hard so that my parents have less to worry about. I work hard to make them proud of me and let them know they did a good job and that I love them for everything they've done.
I have been so sad lately, but I realize how good my life really is. Yes I have a lot of let downs and a lot of horrible things that have happened. Yes I've had to work hard in life and I've had to deal with a lot of hardships, but I have my family. They are here and some people don't have that. I have friends who are amazing people and some people never get to experience friendship like I have. I have my education and no one can ever rob me of that. I am happy with all I've done. Please everyone if you respect people at all or have a heart pray for those who don't have their families. Pray for those around the world who are starving right now. Pray for those who are fighting for your freedom because of the events that have happened today.
I'm praying... I'm praying for my family everyday. I pray for my friends and hope that they get everything in life and don't have to experience the pain that some do. I pray for those who are out there starving. I pray for the homeless. I pray for the sick. I pray for the abused (because I know how they feel). I pray for the widowed. I pray for the lonely. I pray for the people who suffer everyday. Most of all I pray for the soldiers who are risking their lives. One in particular I'm praying for is my Ziggy. I'm so proud of him and I pray that he stays strong and is okay. It's so hard I worry about him constantly, but I believe in him. I believe that with every horrible thing that happens there are things that are ten times as good that will happen to help fix the bad a bit. Appreciate your life, because things could be so much worse. Do everything in your will to help those who are in need. If you were the one in need you'd be hoping someone would have the heart to help you. We are all people in one big crazy world, and we need to stick together in order to survive. God Bless America. God Bless Everyone. God Bless the World.
<3 Yours Truly,
Alexis Zoe