Musical trance

Nov 02, 2009 18:54

Characters: Giselle and OPEN
Location: Outside, school grounds
Time: Afternoon
Content: Giselle gets a little caught up in her love of music
Warnings: MUSICAL THREAD. Abandon hope all ye who don't want to sing and dance.

And she told me what to say'>

Giselle loved to sing and dance. Since learning more about the nature of her powers, she'd been trying to be more conscious of their effect on others. Her voice greatly amplified the effect, so until she could figure out how to stop herself from putting people under her influence, Giselle had been making an effort to sing out of earshot of others. She couldn't make herself stop singing simply because of what she could do - it was a part of who she was, and she wasn't hurting others. Still, she understood there were times when others wouldn't want to join in on the fun with her. Someone might have a class they had to get to just then, or might have a sore throat, after all.

Currently, she was out on the school grounds singing cheerfully to herself. At the moment, she had a classic Beatles song in her head. After listening to Demyx play his guitar for a bit, she'd been inspired to listen to some Beatles songs. A few birds had started chirping along to the music, and several chipmunks and squirrels were keeping time.

"You think you lost your love,
Well, I saw her yesterday
It's you she's thinking of
And she told me what to say"

(OOC: Open to whomever wants to join in, but be warned: Giselle's unintentional hypnotic effect is strong, and your character will probably wind up singing and dancing along with her unless the character in question is a high order telepath. Then he/she might just tap a toe to the beat instead. ^__~)

spin, giselle vanderhall

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