Cramming the Jamming! Practice Makes Perfect!! [Active/Closed]

Oct 22, 2009 20:38

Characters: Spin, Mio, Yui
Location: Band room
Time: Evening
Content: A little extra band practice outside of class
Warnings: The horrific fusion of rocking out and being adorable

Spin was getting closer to being ready for the idea of actually being okay with the idea of this whole... music thing. If this thing wasn't going to go away, then... he'd just adapt to it, like everything else around here. At the very least, if he wanted to make it more bearable, Spin figured he should know a little more about music in general; that was why he'd signed up for Band, after all.

It had started awkward, unnerving, perhaps even a little bit frightening, and Spin had hardly been here a few days before considering dropping. He had no idea how the instruments worked, no idea how to read music, and no idea how to deal with a deceased teacher. It had been very tempting; this school as a whole was just too much for him, and the class was too loud in too many ways. But now Spin might have actually had people to help support him through it. Maybe. And that... that was worth it to try, right? Just to give it a shot. And who knew... maybe, if he put in a little extra effort, it'd all come out for the best, this time.

Though, practicing dealing with superpeople was something he could put off until a little later. Odds were it would happen candidly, anyway. But working with instruments, that was something he could at least try and deal with on his own. All it took was getting a little bit of extra time in. So there Spin was, in the currently-unused band classroom, sizing up the instruments strewn about rather untidily. They were all rather large, rather intimidating, and rather equal in his inexperience of playing them.

The boy sized up a drumset. Hit the top with a stick. Couldn't be that hard, could it...? Probably. Spin sighed and looked around for a pair of drumsticks.

spin, mio akiyama, yui hirasawa

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