Characters: Brook, anyone brave enough to go talk to the wacky dead guy.
Location: A bench outside the cafeteria somewhere.
Time: Some early afternoon over the weekend.
Content: Just your elderly band teacher reading a book and behaving himself. (It is a trap.)
Format: Prose. Preferably seperate threads if more than one person replies, it's less messy. ~(._.)~
Warnings: See Characters.
There were an awful lot of downright peculiar things about being a living skeleton, many of which likely wouldn't occur to anyone until and unless they found themselves experiencing such a thing firsthand. The peculiar thing that had taken up much of this particular morning with bafflement was that he planned to spend a bit of time outside as he often did, even if it was a bit cloudy and cold out...which was specifically the peculiar bit, the cold that is. Could he even feel cold? To be completely honest he simply couldn't tell if he could, which was something different entirely from either feeling it or not feeling it for certain. Having an internal temperature that exactly matched one's external temperature at all times made these things confusing.
Still, he'd decided in the end that dressing warmly was the customary thing that everyone did, and that this meant that he should do it too, and that seemed a reasonable way to settle the issue. So he'd eaten his lunch (best not discussed any further, that), gone up to fetch a coat and scarf and the latest of a long line of fascinating paperback adventures (which is to say unspeakably trashy and poorly-written romance novels), and then out to find a place to stretch his long legs in the fresh air a bit. This was a plan that even he could rarely screw up, you see, and so he liked it very much.