Characters: Kiba, Riza Wildman, anyone who saw
the video and wants to help
Location: A public place, outside and easily recognizable from the video
Time: Right after the dogfight
Content: Riza and Kiba got into a pretty intense fight. They both need medical attention, and they'll probably get yelled at, too.
Format: Flexible. I'm gonna start in third because it's what I'm used to, but switch around as you will.
Warnings: Injuries, swearing, maybe more violence if Kiba recovers, I don't know.
That fight had gotten a lot more intense than Riza ever thought it would. She was still pissed the hell off at Kiba for talking shit about the Wildman name, but she had a bit more respect for him now that she knew how he fought. He didn't screw around; he fought to kill. Intense, but necessary, sometimes. She hadn't meant to beat him up as bad as she had, but he wasn't stopping until he couldn't move, and she wasn't going to die here.
She was, however, going to hurt a hell of a lot. He'd gotten her in the paw, and largely out of fear of seeing what it looked like on a human arm, she was leaving the wound exactly the way it was. Riza had slumped down against a tree after shutting the laptop. The fight was over, and once she'd had a few moments to recover, she'd go get help for both of them. Her first.