Oct 01, 2009 11:35

Hey, guys! As many of you are doubtless aware, apps are now closed. They will remain closed until October 14th.

We know we weren't 100% clear on the matter (we will be more clear in future!), but for anyone worried about whether or not their app was sent too late: if you sent it before we posted this, you're cool. We might take a while to process some of these, so please hold on!

The reserve post is still open for commenting, but we're not going to list or reply to them until we open apps again, because we like breathing. Any reserves made between now and the 14th will go into effect on the 14th.

• As of now, we're increasing the character limit from three to five.

• There will be a limit on the number of staff positions available. Your staff member applications are going to be more likely to be accepted if: 1. you're not playing any staff members already; 2. you're apping a teacher for a subject nobody else is already teaching; 3. you're apping a character who used to be part of the X-Men, because we seriously don't have enough of those. (Remember any character from any fandom can have been an X-Man in the past.) If you need help AUing an adult character into a student, we'll be happy to give you a hand, but also bear in mind that just because you didn't get a staff member this round doesn't mean you won't next round.

ALSO, while the mod hat is out, we'd like to remind everyone to go check out the contact list, taken characters list, timeline and staff list and tell us if anything for your character isn't on there and should be.

ALSO ALSO, we know hardly anyone replied to Professor X's IC post about mentor groups, but if you're playing a staff member and they (the character, not you) would be likely to specifically REQUEST any specific student/s on their group, please let us know so we can incorporate these into our mighty spreadsheet. Because of the aforementioned thing where we have a lot of staff, not all staff members whose players want them to have one will have a group of kids, but just because your character's not getting one now doesn't mean they won't be in future. Groups will be announced in the game update for week two, this weekend. (And, yeah, new guys - if you really, really want your teacher character to have a mentor group - or if you DON'T want them to have one - please tell us!)

THAT'S ALL FOR NOW. Keep on being fabulous.

mod post

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