[ 005 : Video | Audio ]

Apr 11, 2010 00:38

[ The smooth cheery melody of "All by myself" can be heard in the background. His room littered in chocolate bar wrappers and large empty tubs of ice-cream. He's holding a parcel, generally happy that it's here.]Yeeees! Gramps finally sent over, West's photo albums of when he was a baby! Now I can look at how pure and adorable he was! While sitting ( Read more... )

gilbert beilschmidt

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voice. badtowurst April 10 2010, 23:55:45 UTC
Don't you dare show those photographs to anybody.

...and I wasn't a baby. I was ten.


Voice. gloriousbasterd April 10 2010, 23:58:59 UTC

You were a baby in my eyes, West! You were so adorable and you cried at everything, you might as well have been a baby!


permavoice. badtowurst April 11 2010, 00:03:56 UTC
[A bit surprised he's not being ignored again. But okay.] I only cried when you were tormenting me.


gloriousbasterd April 11 2010, 00:10:06 UTC
[ He's tempted dammit! ] No, you cried ALL the time. Remmeber when you found out Santa wasn't real? You cried for HOURS.


badtowurst April 11 2010, 00:12:05 UTC
No, you told me he was a pedophile.


gloriousbasterd April 11 2010, 00:29:29 UTC
And the time you fell of your bike.


badtowurst April 11 2010, 12:02:48 UTC
Because it hurt. Any child would cry at that.


gloriousbasterd April 12 2010, 03:00:42 UTC
And the time you nearly drowned.


badtowurst April 12 2010, 06:53:30 UTC
That was your fault.


voice. axis_of_pasta April 11 2010, 00:16:30 UTC
But Ludwig! I want to see!


voice. gloriousbasterd April 11 2010, 00:36:53 UTC
You want to see West when he was not gay? Okay!


voice.---do we want to log it or action log it? axis_of_pasta April 11 2010, 00:38:01 UTC
Where are you, Gilbert?


Voice --- Action log it? Since I'm suffering from a little writers block... gloriousbasterd April 11 2010, 00:44:46 UTC
In my super cool awesome room! B59!


sure! Action log axis_of_pasta April 11 2010, 00:46:40 UTC
[Feliciano heads down to Gilbert's room, knocking politely]


gloriousbasterd April 11 2010, 00:59:19 UTC
[ Gilbert takes his time answering the door, since it is a struggle to get to there over the large pile of rubbish that surrounded his side of the room. ]


[ He is holding the large, pink, frilly photo album, ready to show off his adorable little brother to Feliciano.]


Action log axis_of_pasta April 11 2010, 01:00:51 UTC
[Feliciano makes a mental note to tell Signor Norman about Gilbert's room and enters]

Is that the album, ve?


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