
Jul 05, 2006 22:22

This most excellent and succinct post was totally yoinked from chaoflux23's post here, re-posted here to archive and showcase.

Apr 24, 2006 2:45 PM

Basically, this is the root of the whole 23 joke in the first place.

All is Chaos, and all can be Ordered. We can make sense out of nonsense, even if our sense is a gross misunderstanding of the complexity of the nonsense.

When I get 23eed, I usually just give a hello and keep moving, since it happens like every damn minute for me, especially since Im mostly talking to other 23rds on the interweb, its always fresh in my consciousness.

Anyhow, those who get caught up in all the crazy ways you can get 23 are just like Monty Python Discordians to me. Those are the folks who liked the first joke they heard so much, they can do nothing but be doomed to repeat it to their own delight, and the chagrin of their friends. Im not saying the joke isnt funny, but hey, the whole world is ripe for humor, dont get all wrapped up in Pope hats and bowling alleys, even though thats pretty hilarious to imagine right now. Do it.

Its telling though, about the ways in which people will pull 23 right out their asses from some crazy ass equation, ... its not all that disimiliar to the way in which many people have been conditioned to search for meaning in life.

Theres a science in how the mind helps push along these uncanny sychronicities into manifestation, and thats fine, but its important to think about what that means.

Scientists discovered a while ago that there is truly no such thing as a random number, no matter how long a stream of digits it is composed of, since there ultimately is a pattern somewhere in there that that can be found or invented. Such is life, all is chaos, all is 23, and all is both totally meaningful and completely meaningless.

Its only just your choice whether to laugh at the joke or to end up fumbling with cumbersome western rationality.

Those who end up pulling 23eez out of places that seem so silly and meaningless, such as the 23rd second on a clock and such, yes, thats right, it means fuckall. But that doesnt mean that meaning cant be found within there for the individual to discovered it. It may be important to think about the context of every 23, or other strangeness, that comes ones way, and relate it into what it means to oneself, and about oneself. [And if that leads one to question the self and all that stuff, go with it, you'll be in good company.]

Thats the thing, 23 is like a post-iT note on reality. Just a friendly reminder that shits never what it seems, and there is much more room for a broader understanding of the cosmos/chaos dance. People who get caught up in one joke usually end up understanding sooner or later, as the virus gets to them, and if not, at least its good entertainment.


Hail Eris!!!!!
All Hail Discordia!!!!!
Hell Yeah, Bitches!!!!!
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