I've been musically reminiscing lately for several reasons, not the least of which is to activate the Neuro-Associations I have to certain songs, particularly from around 1999-2001ish. Those were the best years of Trance IMHO, and this was enhanced by the fact that Satan & I used to go to one of the best clubs on the West Coast, the Panorama in Portland (yes, it was the best club I've ever experienced, including my trips to clubs in San Francisco, NYC, Vegas, et. al.--it's too bad the Pano closed several years ago due to problems with neighbors in downtown PDX). These are both songs that--for one reason or another--I never actually owned, but were some of my favorites from early in this new millennium. The first was a Pano classic that really redefined how I felt Music and NRG and always brought me to another place. The bass hits are just absolutely the best evar. The second was one of my favorite songs that the DJ in Salem used to play every time I was there, and has brought me to levels of XTC on the dance floor that are hard to compare to. The breaks and builds in this song are prolly my favorite, ever. It's also a great song to use in Devotional Works, including Devotional NRG for Magickal purposes:
(for best Results, turn off your lights and turn up your bass... it's too bad youtube doesn't have a sweet visualizer like iTunes, or I'd suggest to turn that on for the first one, too)
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