I just finished reading a post over in
Chaoism.net, which, along with the current
ZCluster manifestation, have been some interesting places I've recently joined. The topic was the infamous "Holy Guardian Angel", the key of Tifaret, our inner Genius, our True Will personified, etc. ad nauseum. I've actually been thinking on the Operation of the HGA recently, but I just have too many philosophical problems with this Operation. There have been a lot of writings (not to mention arguments) over "what" the HGA "is", and rather than enter into this argument, I'll throw the baby out with the bathwater.
The presuppositions behind the idea of a HGA seem rather unitary and linear, to me. In particular, I take issue with "finding the One True(TM) HGA/Path upon which all of life should be brought into Alignment with." I think that Knowledge & Coversation with one's HGA is a very worthwhile Goal for some--just not for me. I have been recently re-evaluating many of my own presuppositions, and have re-visited the old "Atman vs. AnAtman" debate, or "Soul vs. No-Soul" debate. There is a fundamental difference in approach betwixt those who believe we have some personal, eternal core, and those who believe that we are all ultimately Empty inside, with no truly lasting Qualities. For to seek one's HGA is to presume that there is some sort of underlying theme or Guide for our lives, and would seem to suggest the ideas of the Atman side of the coin.
The AnAtman side of the coin may suggest that those Qualities that seem most ingrained may be the first things to go. There is little point in seeking out "one's One True Way" if it is thought that this is yet another Illusion/Distraction. "If you meet the Buddha on the road--kill him."