I'll teach you what it's like.
To live in the fear of me.
Hola y'all. Well, an update for you guys. I got fired from my job. No questions, just fired. and for those of you who read this and told me to always take it serious(like, you, Vanessa), you were right. But whatever, Things happen for a reason. I'm going job hunting today like mad crazy, cause I have two weeks to find a new job. I've got a bunch of places to go today, so wish me luck kids. My baby's in Arizona until Wednesday. She was supposed to stay until Saturday, but things happend, and she's comin' home early. I'm excited. I love her. So much. Anyways, I have new pics. As Usual.
.jen in the corner, me and gideon singing with rey playing the drums(not shown)
.my new found love.
.the one of two men i would EVER think about having sex with.
.he didn't actually drink it, i did, and it was fucking nasty.(and amber lookin sexy)
.dig it in deeper, maybe you'll feel my pain.
.just chillin' at the boys apartment drinking and smoking.
.lowkey. =)
.slave julie and her boitoi.
me and sara.(i love this dog so much)
.that dog is so hyper, its not even funny.
.me, kass kass, and her boyfriend.
.me looking at kassie being a retard.
.me and kass kass being gang-sterrrs.