My little prediction that I spoke of in
this entry has come true. Well as I said there, the AF+1 feet didn't happen, but the last part did. Dynamis Xarc last night, we cleared all the job Demons with only MNK head dropping (basically a normal run for most people... that being crap all dropping from those NM's).
Well about 2 hours into the run still no drops. I decided to take a short break to grab some water and wake up. No sooner had I reached the kitchen when Yul called out that Duelist's Chapeau had dropped. Yul was currently 3rd in line for it so she was happy to see it drop, but at the same time fairly "meh" about it. We knew that one of the 2 ahead of her wasn't there that night, but what we didn't know was that the one person ahead of her had left no more than 20 minutes prior. I don't need to describe what happened next when she was told to lot on it.
So the next 30 minutes were spent wide awake (what a way to wake up). We then had BLM hat drop, which I'm currently 4th I think, anyhow that went to one of our members ahead of me. No biggie, congrats to them ;D -- What stunned me next was hearing Yul curse that she went to pass the BLM hat only to pass the "Valor Surcoat", and how she hated when she passes wrong stuff when the treasure pool moves. I did a double take... Valor Surcoat!!
Sure enough in the treasure pool, WAR body, BLM head, PLD body. Oh my freaking glod!** Profile was kind enough to pass for me (having accumulated more points than me on PLD since I changed to BLM a few months back), and that was that. Full PLD Relic.
Yul (Duelist's Chapeau), Schultz (Valor Surcoat)
Profile (Thank you, Thank you)
Not soon after NIN hands dropped as well. Way to have a run turn from total crap to OMG amazing with only an hour left. So with the little prediction pretty much coming to fruition, I think I won't jinx myself by predicting what next. I'll just casually play and see what happens.
** Incase you try to correct me, that is not a spelling mistake. More a tribute to an old typo from a friend long ago.