I dreamt of Ya-Ya-yah

Mar 30, 2008 16:15

I dreamt of Ya-Ya-yah last night.

Okies, they did not appear in my dream.

But the word "Ya-Ya-yah" was there.

The dream was about some weird competition or test.

And they will ask you a few questions indivdually.

The questions are posted on the screen and they will ask you.

There was this question posted to Rorensu.

"If you were Yabu, what will you do?"

That was the question if I did not remember wrongly.

And there were options.

The first option was "To secretly continue the activities of Ya-Ya-yah"

The second option was something I could not remember.

The third option was "eh." or something like that. It was imcomplete.

And I cannot recall the last answer.

So the person asked Rorensu, "Is it A?"

And when he said that, alot of people started cheering and clapping.

I was one of them.

The person beside me was also cheering at the top of her voice.

And when I turned to look at her, she smiled at me. And I smiled back.

Because I knew she was thinking exactly what I was thinking.

Yes, we are the true Ya-Ya-yah fans.

When they go on to the next answer, there were a few people cheering and supporting the answer.

But it was not as many as compared to the first answer.

And for the third answer, Chayen raised her hand.

And the person in-charge nearly did not see her hand.

I was surprised why she voted for the third answer. (I was more surprised she was in my dream)

If I did not remember wrongly, Chayen wanted to ask why was that an answer.


That was all I remember from the dream.

They did not appear in my dream.

But I felt the warmth from the Ya-Ya-yah fans.

I do not know if there are any more Ya-Ya-yah fans around.

But I was sure touched by that scene.

The scene where all the Ya-Ya-yah fans cheered on.

And how we, Ya-Ya-yah fans, are able to read each other's minds.

I'm so sick and tired of downloading Ya-Ya-yahs shows non-stop.

Been downloading them for a week now!

And I've only downloaded till episode 66.

I do not dare to imagine how many more must I download to complete the collection.

And there is a high chance of me going to Japan this year-end.

Though, I actually would prefer going to Tokyo alone, free and easy, with no limitations.

I want to watch a Hey!Say!JUMP concert.

I want to go to Koyama's mother's ramen store.

I want to go and buy yukatta.

I want to go and shop for Hey!Say!JUMP goods.

I want to go and visit Tokyo Dome.

There are so many things I want to do in Tokyo.

And I thought it would be better to do all these alone.

ya-ya-yah, yabu kota

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