4 years in JE

Mar 29, 2008 16:15

Happy Anniversary to Yuto~

though i am a day late..

Happy BELATED 4th year anniversary in JE!!

You have been in this industry for 4 years already.

Though, 4 years is still counted as young, you're already a senpai among the juniors.

I am proud of you.

And I hope you will remain in JE for a long time, so that I will be able to celebrate this day.

I remember..

The first time i knew you was in Nobuta. But back then, I just thought of you as Shuji's brother.

Then, I started obsessing over Kame. And I went to get Summary and watched it.

Back then, I didnt know that you were the little cute bunny there.

Then, I have a friend of me, who was fussing all over you. That's when I really knew about you.

But you were a year younger, so I showed no interest in you at all.

And I happened to catch Shounen Club on television by accident.

I thought it was some japanese pop music show so I watched it.

And it happened to be Yamapi and Yabu produced Shounen Club. So because there was Yamapi, I continued watching it.

That was probably the first time I took notice of Yabu too.

And I could still remember, you and J.J.Express sang Venus for that show.

Because, back then, I already knew Tackey & Tsubasa and Venus was kinda the only song I knew back when I watched Shounen Club,

That was why the impression of JJE was so huge.

And I could still remember that was the first time I remember Ya-Ya-yah.

But let's not get into Ya-Ya-yah.

Anyways, after that, I stopped watching Shounen Club because the next week I tried catching it on tv, but there was no Shounen Club that week.

It was not until 3 months later did I start watching Shounen Club again.

And that episode, the producer just happened to be Yuto.

Yes, that is how it all started.

I started saving my first Yuto picture.

The Yuto craze started together with Yabu.

So when I lost interest in Yabu, and really disliked him, I also stopped on Yuto.

But 3-4 months later, I started watching Shounen Club AGAIN.

And this time, it was Hikaru that stole my attention.

And that was also when I picked up my Yuto craze that I left alone when I gave up on Yabu.

I had that post on my blogspot. October 2nd 2006.

That was when I introduced to the whole world about Yuto being one of my idols.

And the whole October, I was crazing over Yuto.

Ever since then, he has always been labelled as "my hubby".

Even up to now, he's still my hubby.

And I won't divorce him.

nakajima yuto

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