Mar 25, 2006 16:30
soOo just chillin @ the house still wit hussler* waitin fo britt* n court* to get back from cleanin the horse stalls...
the whole week has been soOo much fun even tho there has been a lil bit of drama between smo* n i but i still luv her n i miss her right now cuz i had to eat the last can of raviolis by know that she is pry pissed wit me right now but i know that we'll be ight in no time...<33 her bunches
last nite was fun...seen alot of ppl that i havent seen in a long time...missed them...some shit went down but we ight now....i luv u britt* n i know that everything will be ight i promise....tonite dunno what is goin on but there should be something to do..soOo get at any of us grlz
**5 M KREW BitChes**
::MuCh LoVe::