Mar 22, 2006 11:32
soOo this week has just been the grlz britt* smo* n court* i love hangingout wit them they r soOo fun n not only r they fun but they dont live like pigs..i thought that this week would have at least some fighting or some drama between us 4 but i was way wrong!! none of us have fought once n we all get along soOo well...i love it!! <333
went bowling yesterday after i got outta there were soOo many ppl that i havent seen in a grip there...jeff menendorp his grl audry kara may andrew mcclain..n then of cousre britts friends stripper n all his was fun i WON of course...murked them hoes..j/ was all in fun, of course out boyz were there 2 jake n moe <33 them they came back over ot the house n stayed the nite again...jake was talking in his sleep on the couch n i was bout to go n beat his ass soOo i could sleep...geez tha boy let me tell ya
today dont have to work just gunna chill....was suppose to get my teeth cleaned but i am gunna go n workout then tan soOo i dont think i'll have time to go do that cuz i have to go home n help my mom wit some shit around my house....well i guess im out...get at us grlz tonite